WARNING: concrete5 5.6 and earlier are end-of-life. Sales from the marketplace have now ended. Click here to learn more about this transition.

All our addons are now available for free, but as a result, we do not support them anymore.

Commercial support is still available on demand, please contact me directly if needed.

Redmine Free

redmine Intergration for your C5 projects
  • »Issue tickets on a redmine from a block
  • »Allow users to login/out from redmine
  • »Append an automatic reports to the ticket


  • Have you ever wanted to track issues your customers pointed on that new website you just delivered?
  • Are you tired to get meaningless bug reports, with not enough information to fix/reproduce it?
  • You simply wanted to use redmine as your CRM, not to mix it with your website?

Well, in this case, Redmine Free is for you!. Redmine Free will let your user issue ticket onto a remote (or local) redmine directly within the page they are viewing, Appending all the useful information you need directly and automatically in the newly created ticket.

As an example, we set-up a demo server that you can use to test the addon (you will need to install the addon on a website accessing the Internet for that). The test redmine server can be accessed here:

  • URL:
  • User: reporter
  • Password: reporter

Some Business Cases

Here are some of the business cases you will be able to solve, and how we would do it:

»Let your customer file tickets from a Page
  1. Install the package on the target website
  2. Add the new ticket block to the page
  3. Define the ticket credentials

From there, your customers will be able to file a ticket directly on the page they spotted something to improve. Moreover, you will get useful information about what was going on at the time the issue was spotted (in order to reproduce it easily).

This plugin requires your web server to have the curl PHP extension installed

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Sales have ended due to EOL

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Our 30 Day Support Policy

  • Replies to tickets every few days.

Support Hosted

  • On marketplace.concretecms.com