Trouble loading gallery

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Hi, I just installed this block on the home page of my website. I am getting a lot of feedback that the images are not fully loaded, are blurry or that the gallery just isn't working. I have experienced similar issues, but they have resolved if I wait long enough or refresh the page. Is this a known problem? I don't want people to leave the site because the landing page isn't performing properly.

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Status: New
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sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply

It's look like a problem from image too large or to mucj kb..
Can i see the page?
Do you you have the same issue in ?
rachelbaileymadison replied on at Permalink Reply
rachelbaileymadison replied on at Permalink Reply
The images are around 66kb.
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply

The problem is not with the plugin! You have small square images, and you enlarge and rectangle ... It is quite normal that it is not very nice.:-)
Use images already with the right size.
rachelbaileymadison replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm sorry, but that's not the situation. These images are the right dimension, and have been reduced in size for web viewing before uploading. I am probably going to disable the plug-in until a solution can be found.
rachelbaileymadison replied on at Permalink Reply
I also want to note that it works fine with IE and Firefox, but not Google Chrome.
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply
rachelbaileymadison replied on at Permalink Reply
That is one of the images, which is a vertically-oriented image. In google chrome, all of the images are stretched.
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply

In advanced options panel 'with' and 'height' is set on '0' (to keep the initial dimension of your picture) ?

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