Sagepay 3021 error

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Hi there

I'm getting the following error on the sagepay payment screen, hopefully you can help

'3021 : The basket is invalid'

the error seems to occur if there is a character symbol in the product name field such as £. As a short term work around i've added HTML numbers instead of the keyboard shortcut for special characters and this seems to always work, the error only appears if the symbol is added using a keyboard.

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: Resolved
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datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply

We have released an update 1.0.3 which removes the pound sign from titles prior to transmitting the data to Sagepay to prevent the error. All 'strange characters' are already encoded into htmentities before sending to Sagepay, so its only the pound sign that is causing the problem.

The 1.0.3 download should be available for you to download now.


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