Version History

##### 2.1.0

- Display default values in fields when adding "Simple Gallery" block in Composer page


##### 2.0.3

- Simple Gallery is now fully compatible with php8

- Fixed Magnific Popup bug when using non-atomik/elemental themes.


##### 2.0.2

- Fixed underscore bug when using non-atomik/elemental themes.

- Fixed php8 error when field 'customCaption' is empty


- ##### 2.0.1

- Updated

- Moved gulpfile.js to main folder


##### 2.0.0

- Package updated for version 9.0.0

- Minimum required c5 version is 9.0.0, use previous version of package when using c5.8


##### 1.0.9

- Fixed lightbox error when not logged in


##### 1.0.8

- Fixed missing escape functions across whole package


##### 1.0.7

- Fixed some typos/added additional formatting in

- Added proper version to $pkgVersion in controller


##### 1.0.6

- Added for github


##### 1.0.5

- Changes to how localization is handled


##### 1.0.4

- Inline css is targeted by bID instead uniqueID

- Moved css/js to registerViewAssets()


##### 1.0.3

- Replaced 'javascript-localized' with 'addFooterItem'


##### 1.0.2

- Another localization fixes


##### 1.0.1

- Fixed bug with number of columns on tablet

- Some localization fixes


##### 1.0.0

- PRB approved


##### 0.9.1

- Removal of unnecessary files


##### 0.9.0

- Submission to marketplace