WARNING: concrete5 5.6 and earlier are end-of-life. Sales from the marketplace have now ended. Click here to learn more about this transition.

Simple Tabs

What it does:

The Simple Tabs tool allows you (and your clients) to create tabbed based content quickly and easily with little to no learning curve. The block interface is very intuitive and simple to use. You can add as many tab panels as you'd like and associate the content for each panel using Concrete5's built-in WYSIWYG editor. It also comes bundled with various display and animation settings, back button support and more. Check out the screen shots!

The view has been styled very minimally with organized CSS making custom styling a breeze. Included in the CSS is commented out code for implementing responsive tabs in minutes. Tabs can be displayed at the top, bottom or left of content and templates can be created easily to allow for more advanced layouts.

Looking for an accordion? Check out my Simple Accordion tool!

Important note: Users installing on Concrete v5.6.3.1 should download version 0.9.7. Users installing on versions of Concrete v5.6.3 and below should download version 0.9.6.

What it does NOT do:

This block does not enable you to add individual block elements to your tab panels. Anything you can do with the C5 content editor you can do here. In the majority of cases, this is all you'll need. If I get enough requests for the ability to add blocks, I might add this feature.


Sales have ended due to EOL

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