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Does the keyword search scan all the staff directory entries as I cant seem to get it to work?

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Status: Resolved
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PhilYoung replied on at Permalink Reply
Any feedback on this question?
InformaticsInc replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Phil,

Have you confirmed you have installed the latest version of the Staff Directory?
PhilYoung replied on at Permalink Reply
As you can see if you look at my environment information I am using 1.0.3. It appears to search through the names only but I assumed it would search for keywords in the whole of an staff entry. Its on the home page of the web site that you have access to.
PhilYoung replied on at Permalink Reply
I see on looking at the controller the code
if ($this->request->query->get('keywordInput')) {
            $keywordinputsafe = $this->MakeSafe($this->request->query->get('keywordInput'));
            $directoryList->filter('cv.cvName', '%' . $keywordinputsafe . '%', 'like');

Whilst I am no kind of coder I realise that this means the keyword search is limited to just the name within the cv. I would have liked a broader search function that included at least the address within the listing.
InformaticsInc replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Phil,

Upon further review, you can actually update the search criteria to target any of those fields without needing an updated module.

You can do this by going to Pages & Themes -> Attributes.
Once there, scroll down to the section on "Staff Directory" and find what field you're aiming to activate for searching. Click to open.
When viewing the attribute detail page, you'll find a checkbox labeled "Content included in search index." Select that and save the record.
That field is now added to the targeted fields within the C5 search function.

Let us know if you have any more questions.
- Informatics Inc.
PhilYoung replied on at Permalink Reply
Wow, that is great news. Thanks as always for your superb support. Don't forget to add this feature to the documentation!
InformaticsInc replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Phil!

That's a great idea re: adding to documentation - will do!

concrete5 Environment Information

# concrete5 Version
Core Version - 8.3.2
Version Installed - 8.3.2
Database Version - 20180122213656

# concrete5 Packages
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