Export to Excel

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When I try to export my data to excel it gives me this error when I open the file.

"Cell data too large."

When I save the file instead and open it, the xml file opens in my browser.
Is this because I am using MS Excel 2000?
Or am I doing something wrong?

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Status: New
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Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
can you attach a zipped version of the excel file?

(btw, each package has a support forum that's better suited than the question & answer forum for technical problems like this.)
jaypuffy replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Sorry Tony. I will use the support forum from now on.

Attached is the xml file (this is what is downloaded when I click on export to excel)
Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
yeah, it probably has something to do with using an earlier version of excel, because the file is opening up in excel 2008 fine for me.

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