
Adding Testimonials

1. You can use the dashboard to add and manage all of your testimonials. To add a testimonial, go to the "Manage Testimonials" page in the dasboard, and click on the "Add New Testimonial" button. The Author and Content are required fields. Anything in the Extra field will be displayed below the author. The Date Added field is used for sorting and will not be displayed on the website. The testimonial needs to be marked as "Approved" before it will show up on your website. You can also select an image for the testimonial, and then enable images in the block options. Finally if you have added Categories, you can select which categories your new testimonial will belong to. This allows you to show from a different category of testimonials on different areas of your site.

2. You can enable user submission of testimonials in the Advanced tab of the "Studio Testimonials Pro" block. This will show a link below your testimonials, that will open a popup where the user can enter their Name, Content, and the Extra fields. Please note that user submissions are automatically marked "Unapproved" so they will not show on your website until you approve them.

Displaying Testimonials

To display testimonials, you need to add the "Studio Testimonials Pro" block anywhere on your site. Here's a quick preview of some of the available options.

Display Type:

  1. Single - This option will display a single testimonial.
  2. Multiple - This option will display a list of testimonials. You can choose how many testimonials to display, or enter a 0 to display them all. You can also enable pagination if there are more testimonials available then are being displayed.
  3. Single Rotating - This option will automatically rotate through a list of testimonials. You can choose how many testimonials to rotate through, once again enter a 0 to choose all available. The speed determines how many milliseconds before rotating to the next testimonial, and the effect allows you to choose a transition.

Filter: The filter option allows you to select from all testimonials, from a specific category, or you can select specific testimonials to display.

Sort By: Allows you to set the order in which your testimonials will be displayed. You can choose to display them in random order, or chronologically with the most recent first or the most recent last.


  1. Images - If you have added images to your testimonials, you can enable them by checking the appropriate box in the Advanced tab, and then choosing a width and height for the images.
  2. User Submissions - This option allows you to enable user submission for testimonials. The "Submit Link Text" is the text for the link that will open the popup that allows the users to submit their testimonials. This field MUST have a value in order for the link to show up. Finally you can choose to be notified by email every time a testimonial is submitted from your site.