Change border colour - help

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I need to change the border coulor, from withe to black. So the menu is black with white text, without any borders. But how can I change it??

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frz replied on at Permalink Reply
you can probably do this with the color settings in superfish, or edit its css directly by going here:
plschneide replied on at Permalink Reply
This stumped me for a long time as well.

If you edit the superfish.css file and then change 2 places you should be good.

1) in about line 65 - .sf-menu a section ADD
border: 0px none;

2) a few lines down in .sf-menu li add
border 0px !importantl

probably don't need the !important part

That will eliminate the border. If you wanted to keep it and change colors, these 2 styles will be where you want to mess with that.

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