Final Opacity

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Is there a way to have the final opacity of the dropdowns be at 90% rather than going all the way to 100%?

Thanks Ben

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MattWaters replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Ben,

Although there's no setting for transparency in the user interface, it seems possible to do so by modifying the Superfish CSS.
BHWW replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Matt, Thanks for that, would you please give me some insight, i can see no obvious CSS declaration and i've tried adding an opacity class to certain elements but they seem to be overridden by the javascript or something??

MattWaters replied on at Permalink Reply
This worked for setting the opacity of just the dropdowns:

.sf-menu ul li {
   width:         100%;
   opacity: .9;

To set opacity for the whole menu:

.sf-menu, .sf-menu * {
   margin:         0;
   padding:      0;
   list-style:      none;
   opacity: .9;

Worked on the latest Firefox and Chrome. You might need to track down a css workaround to achieve a similar effect in older browsers.

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