What are the default block configs.

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In atuonav you can set the block properties in the theme source code what are the block properties/config for superfish?

Example of autonav config:

bt_nav = BlockType::getByHandle('autonav');
$bt_nav->controller->displayPages = 'top';
$bt_nav->controller->orderBy = 'display_asc';
$bt_nav->controller->displaySubPages = 'none';

Please provide example of Superfish config block. Thanks.

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andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
These can typically be found by exploring the block type's table. In this case, btSuperfish contains the following columns:

| Field                   | Type                 | Null | Key | Default    | Extra |
| bID                     | int(10) unsigned     | NO   | PRI | NULL       |       | 
| orderBy                 | varchar(255)         | YES  |     | alpha_asc  |       | 
| displayPages            | varchar(255)         | YES  |     | top        |       | 
| displayPagesCID         | int(10) unsigned     | NO   |     | 1          |       | 
| displayPagesIncludeSelf | tinyint(3) unsigned  | NO   |     | 0          |       | 
| displaySubPages         | varchar(255)         | YES  |     | none       |       | 
| displaySubPageLevels    | varchar(255)         | YES  |     | none       |       | 
| displaySubPageLevelsNum | smallint(5) unsigned | NO   |     | 0          |       | 
| displayUnavailablePages | tinyint(3) unsigned  | NO   |     | 0          |       | 
| menuColor               | varchar(7)           | YES  |     | #eeeeee    |       | 
| menuColorHover          | varchar(7)           | YES  |     | #cccccc    |       | 
| menuColorTxt            | varchar(7)           | YES  |     | #333333    |       |

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