Create Newsletter

As for the templates, there are three section of the newsletter: Head, Body Foot. These are then inserted in the template you choose to be attached with the newsletter. The content is made by using the integrated rich text editor of concrete5. Please refer to the Editors Guide of concrete5.

User attributes

A part of that you may insert user attributes defined in the member section of your dashboard. These attributes will then be filled with the corresponding value of each user the newsletter will be sent to. These values will only be visible, when sending the mailing or sending a test message. The following user attribute can be inserted:

  • Text
  • Number
  • Date/Time
  • Email
  • Address
  • Text Area
  • toesslab - First Name
  • toesslab - Last Name
  • toesslab - Address

Simply click at the desired position in the editor, then click on the desired attribute and it will be inserted at the cursors position.

There are four user attributes coming with this add-on:

  • toesslab - First Name
  • toesslab - Last Name
  • toesslab - Address
    • Dear
    • Dear Madam
    • Dear Sir
    • Madam
    • Misses
    • Mister
    • Sir
  • Receive toesslab - Newsletter
    • Checked/Unchecked

Receive toesslab - Newsletter is the most important one and has been added because of the spam rules being in place today. You are strongly advised to add an information in the newsletter to tell your members that there is the possibility to unsubscribe from the newsletter by adapting this user attribute.
IMPORTANT: Any member having this attribute set to "No" is not receiving the mailing!

Please do not delete this attribute!

Social Links 

The same way Social links can be inserted such as Facebook, Google+ etc. Those social links are defined under Dashboard -> System & Settings -> Basics -> Social Links. Please be aware that there is no warranty that the icons will be shown in all email clients.


The same way an Unsubscribe Link can be inserted.

  1. Choose the Page where the 'Un/Subscribe from toesslab - Newsletter' Block is placed.
  2. Place the cursor at the desired position in the Text Section below.
  3. Then click 'Insert' to place the link at the cursors position.
  4. Important! Do NOT change the URL of the link. Otherwise the Un/subscribe-Link won't work.