images not shown

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Hey Toesslab,

Concerning the fact that the images are not shown in the received email of the newsletter.

I am told that the reason of this issue lies in the fact that the file manager is in a private place.
And that, to succeed, it should be public.
Also, It will be public if the images are placed in a map in the root directory.
he did try manually to put a image in an image folder in the root directory and put this url manually in the newsletter body. the result is good.
because the fact that this is a difficult way of working, I ask myself if there is no other way in C5 to resolve this problem.
I did notice in the dashboard --> system &settings --> files --> file storage location
The storage location is local.
I do not know how, but is it possible to make a public place where i can upload the images used in the newsletter?
It would be very nice if possible to have two locations: one for the regular files and another for the public newsletter images.
But it is not clear for me how to accomplish this.
can you help me here?


stefaan De Reu

Type: Ticket
Status: Archived
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daenu replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi stedereu

If I understood you well the problem you described before was that the image(s) weren't shown in the client's mail program. The images you'll put inside your newsletter are inserted by an absolute url like:
or similar.

1) As far as I know, if a valid image URL is provided there shouldn't be any problems to show that image as long as the email program DOES ALLOW TO SHOW IMAGES...

To test that, try to send an email (not with the addon) from your email program, with an image inside the body text, attached as an URL from your site: To do so, go to your file manager, click (or right click, depending on your concrete5 verison) on an image and choose "Properties". There you'll have an "URL to File"-link or a "Tracked URL"-link or a "Download Link". (again, depending on your c5 version). Now, copy that link, insert it into your email draft, as an image naturally, (however it's done by your email program) and send it to your colleagues, friends, etc . and see what they'll report...

2) What do you mean by "the result is good"? Did you test that in various email programs on different customers computers?

3) What do you mean by "The storage location is local."?

4) Placing files outside the given directory of a CMS is NOT recommended at all!! Always use the CMS's tools to "put" files into the system.

Really, DO NOT DO THAT! By the way you'll need some advanced programmers skills to achieve such crazy things AND If you'd like to hire me to do so; I'd charge you a HUGE amount of money, and then I'd still tell you: "DO NOT DO THAT!!!". Why? Never do things in a system that'll be "outside" of that system; Security reasons, upgrade reasons, reliability reasons, etc, etc... that would really go to far discussing it in here....

5) You should reconsider the persons skills concerning web development who gave you that piece of advice!

Resuming all that: The addon IS sending emails including images, so the error MUST be on your side somewhere, somehow...
stedereu replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Daenu,

Thank you for your support.

I don’t know the difference but I notice that there are to urls available for any image.
I find the "URL to file” and also the “tracked url”.
When I put manually the "URL to file” in the image properties of toesslab, I receive a nice image in my mailbox.
the url is the following:
the alternative is:

but when I browse in the image properties of Toesslab for a file in the file manager the url becomes something like:

It is nevertheless the same file.

I am a little confused.
Can you explain me the difference between these two url’s?
And also why you use the second option?
And why you do not use the "URL to file” option?

I work mostly with gmail and did test the newsletter with this provider.

thank you for concrete5 and best regards,

Stefaan De Reu
daenu replied on at Permalink Reply
The addon uses an Url, which links to the physical place of the file. The one with "...application.." in it.

The 1. Url is the physical purl, where the file is in its folder, the 2. is a download route.

Again, this goes beyond the support of this addon to explain those.

Please ask in the forums or at

And to mention it once more, your issue has nothing to do with this addon directly but rather with the email clients settings.

So, if you don't have any more questions or issues which are related with the Newsletter Addon directly, I'll close this ticket.

If you need further support, eg. over Skype or Teamviewer, I'll be glad to helo you for a reasonable hourly rate.

ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
Attention: Since there has been no activity on this issue for two weeks, this issue has been automatically archived.

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ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
Attention: Since there has been no activity on this issue for two weeks, this issue has been automatically archived.

To re-open this issue, reply to this message.

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