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I am interested in the newsletter add-on.
I am creating a private site where the users are added by a person with this permission assigned. I wish to do It with a kind of form that can be used by this person.
I don't know yet how to accomplish this, I don't want to add users manually everytime by myself.

I contact you because I don't use the public registration feature, but I wish that it is possible to send newsletters to all of my users.

Does this add-on works without the public registration feature activated.

thank for your patience and best regards,

Stefaan De Reu

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: Resolved
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daenu replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Stefaan

Yes this add-on can be used without having the Public Registration enabled. The add on just relies on the users (members) being saved or registered a way or another.

BTW Even when the public registration is not enabled, there is a Single Page "Register" which contains a form and a controller to register new users.

stedereu replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey daenu,

thank you, you make me happy.

But concerning the registration.I have a 404 error, page not found. when I look for this single page.
How is this possible?

best regards,

Stefaan Ee Reu
daenu replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for buying my addon. Concerning the 404 it seems that you need to enable the public registration feature for that to work. (thought it was possible without, sry for that) This subject goes a bit too far for this support.

But I'd be glad to help you out with that. I'm sure there is a possibility to do what you want. Just write me a PM.
stedereu replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey daenu,

I did find an add-on: register user pro.
I am going to wait for there reaction before I take a decision.

best regards,

Stefaan De Reu

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