
Quick Start

  1. Install the Up Down Vote Lister addon
  2. Add a Ballot Box block to a page

Congratulations! Voting is now enabled for that page.

  1. Add a Vote Page List block to a page

That's it!, pages are now listed according to their votes!

If you want to know more, then read the rest :


The recommended method to install Up Down Vote Lister, is simply using your target website marketplace page. However, if you wish not to use concrete5 internal feature, you can follow the next instructions :

  1. Download the zip archive
  2. Uncompress the zip archive into your packages/ directory
  3. Visit your Add Functionality page (located at
  4. Click on the Up Down Vote Lister Install button

After installing Up Down Vote Lister (either through downloading or preferably directly through your concrete5 website interface), you will be provided with 2 blocks under the Audience Voting block set:

Blocks in the add panel
  • Ballot Box, allowing you to add a vote to any page
  • Vote Page List, allowing you to insert page lists based on the votes

Up Down Vote Lister will also install two page attributes

  • Vote List Ballot Box to store the votes
  • Thumbnail Image used to show pages thumbnails in lists

Simple Usage

Voting on a page

Adding a vote

To add a vote to a page, you only need to add an instance of the Ballot Box to your page. The add block dialog will let you customize the way the vote should appear on your page, as well as let you define the voting options. Apart from the message to display, the default options should suit most usages.

Configuring the vote display

If you need more control, the Ballot Box edit/add dialog will let you customize about anything from the look to the vote behavior:

The first pane (Display Options) will let you define how the vote will be shown on the page :

Ballot Box block add/edit dialog

The comment to show let you define a customized message. This message can contain patterns which will be replaced in the actual page with their respective meaning. Those patterns include:

  • %UP%  Number of Up votes
  • %DOWN%  Number of Down Votes
  • %TOTAL%  Total number of votes (up+down)
  • %SCORE%  Vote Score (up-down)
  • %PERCENTUP%  Percentage of up votes
  • %PERCENTDN%  Percentage of down votes
  • %PAGENAME%  The page name this box is attached to
  • %PAGEDESC%  The page description this box is attached to
  • %PAGEDESC_N%  The page description truncated to N characters
  • %THUMB%  The page thumbnail (220x220)
  • %THUMB_WxH%  thumbnail resized to WxH (9999 = no restriction)

The %THUMB% and %THUMB_WxH% will fetch the page thumbnail, either the first image block of the Thumbnail Image area of the page (BlogEntry style) or from the Thumbnail Image page attribute (shipped with this addon). In case both are present, the Thumbnail Image is used.

The Widget Template Images table will let you choose images that are displayed on the voting widget for different scenarios/state/direction and for each voting button (up or down). The two following scenario are available :

  • Voting On : displayed in case the user can vote
  • Voting Off : displayed in case the user can not vote (eg: guests if the vote requires to be logged in)

For each scenario, 2 different state are then available :

  • empty: the ballot box does not contain any vote (so far)
  • full : the ballot box already has at least one vote

Finally for each state, you can define the image corresponding to the up vote button, and the down vote button.
To change an image just click on the image, and you will be able to select a file from the file manager (or upload one to the website).
The default image can be restored by clicking on the Reset button. Default images are read from the template used to display the block (see the following sections on how to write a vote template).

Configuring the vote behavior

The Voting Options pane defines all options of the voting system:

Ballot Box block vote options

The following options are available :

  • Vote in let you specify the vote ballot box (see multiple votes in one page)
  • Enable Voting if not selected, voting will be disabled
  • Allow anonymous vote if selected, not logged-in guests will be allowed to vote
  • Allow users to change their vote afterwards, if selected users are allowed to change their vote
  • Record vote statistics record the vote in the statistics table (see statistics page)
  • Send Anonymous to Nowhere / login page / selected page / url
  • Vote Opening/Closing Lets you create time framed votes

In short, those options should let you define precisely how you want the vote to be available. Setting the Enable Voting to off will still show the votes, but new votes will not be accepted from this widget. You can decide weather non logged in users (anonymous) can vote or not. In case you decide not to let them vote, you can then decide to send them to login first, or redirect them to a page of your site or even an external url. (The Send Anonymous To option is only available if the Allow anonymous vote option is disabled).
Since recording the statistics on vote can decrease a little the page rendering performance (it involves a few more SQL requests), and since in some occasion, you may just not want to record those statistics, the Record vote statistics option will let you decide to record the stats or not. (You can change this switch later on if you change your mind).
Additionally, the Vote Opening and Vote Closing lets you define votes available for a limited period of time.

Finally, Votes are stored in ballot boxes attribute. There is one instance of attribute per page (you can add multiple attributes to a page, see multiple votes on a page). You can add multiple instance of the Ballot Box pointing to the same ballot box on the same page. In case you defined multiple ballot boxes (by adding attributes as shown later in this document), you can decide where the votes will be stored. If you add multiple Ballot Box pointing to the same ballot box attribute, they will all get updated simultaneously when user vote (through a JSON/AJAX handler).

Anonymous votes are stored in session, users may in fact vote multiple times if they clear their cookies. Use with caution.
Ballot Boxes templates

The Ballot Box comes with several custom templates. To change the template used to render the block, in edit mode, click on the block, then click on the Design & Custom Template menu entry (in the context pop-up menu), and finally click on the button in the toolbar appearing.

Here are the currently available templates :

Default Template
Simple View Template
Both Sides Template
Concrete5 Prb Like Template
Two Sides Voting Box Template

All mentioned templates are using the JSON module shipped to perform the vote, and update the votes results. This might not be the easiest way to develop a new template (but this method yields better results in terms of response time). As an easier way, Ballot Box also comes with an AJAX based example (which duplicates the "Both Sides" template). This template should only be used as an example to build your own templates (see the developers section of this documentation).

In case you need more templates, feel free to contact us directly for quotation.

Removing a vote

To remove a vote, simply remove the block. However, removing a block does not remove the corresponding attribute. If you wish to remove a vote andremove the corresponding page from Page Lists, you should also remove the attribute manually from the page (in the page properties, then attributes).

Listing pages according to votes


Votes are stored in page attributes. To list the pages according to votes, we shipped a specific page list (Vote Page List) which will allow you to list all these pages in a block.


In order to create a page listing other pages, just add the Vote Page Listto that page, and configure it appropriately.


Search Options
Page list search options

The Search Options tab let you choose where the pages will be search from :

  • All pages of your site
  • All pages under this page
  • Pages directly under another page (to be selected)
  • All Pages under another page (to be selected)

(You can then apply filters to these pages, see the Filters section).
The search pages can then be sorted by different factors :

  • up/down score (number of up votes - number of down votes)
  • up/down total votes (number of up votes + number of down votes)
  • number of up votes (regardless to down votes)
  • number of down votes( regardless to up votes)
  • number of up votes within a time frame
  • number of down votes within a time frame
  • number of votes (up and down) within a time frame
  • page public date
  • page name

Pages can be sorted by ascending order or descending order.

Finally, If you choose a sort criteria within a time frame, you will be prompted the time frame characteristics :

Pagelist apply filters on a timeframe

Available time frames are

  • 5 minutes
  • 1 hour
  • 1 day

the time frame boundary can end 'now' or at the last relevant timeframe (in this case, you will be prompted how many sitewide votes minimum a timeframe must contain to be relevant, all timeframes having a number of votes inferior to that will be ignored for defining the time frame end).

Filters and Search
Page list filter options

Within the pages found and ordered in the Search Options menu, you can then apply filters to restrict further the pages shown in the results. The following filters are available:

  • Only votable page ignore all pages with no vote attribute
  • Use Vote choose which vote attribute to look for
  • Up votes boundaries between a minimum and a maximum
  • down votes boundaries between a minimum and a maximum
  • total votes boundaries between a minimum and a maximum
  • score between boundaries between a minimum and a maximum
  • Page Types filter output by page type

Each checkbox (grouped with number inputs) will activate the corresponding boundary. When you enter a number in any boundary, the corresponding checkbox will be automatically activated for you.

Additionally, you can filter results with a keyword search. The search itself comes in 3 different flavours:

  • No Keyword Search no keyword filtering
  • Fixed Keyword Search lets you enter a search in this edit menu
  • Read Keyword from _REQUEST variable allow users to search results (dynamically)

Using the last choice, you will then be prompted a variable name (to get the keyword search from), by default, the variable name is set to query, which is the default variable name used by the concrete5 search block. In order to use the search block, add a search block anywhere in the page or from another page, set it to send the results to the page you added the page list, and use the Read Keyword from _REQUEST variable option.

Finally, if you decided to use the last choice, an option box Allow Empty Searches lets you decide the behavior of the page list in case no keyword search was sent to the page in the corresponding $_REQUEST variable. If the checkbox is ticked, all results will be shown (all pages), if the checkbox is not ticked, no page will be shown at all.

Display Options
Page list display options

The Display options pane let you customize how the list is to be rendered :

  • Vote Template the vote template (voting widget) shown on the page list
  • Number of pages to show only show the number of pages filled here
  • Truncate summaries truncate page summaries to the number of characters filled
  • Show Pages Aliases show page alias instead of page name
  • Pagination controls allow users to see next search pages (if more results are to be shown)

In case the Number of pages to show option is not filled, all page results are shown. If it is filled, for example to 20, and the Pagination controls is not set, then only the first (20) results are shown. If the Pagination controls is set, an interface will be shown to access the next result pages.

Finally, this pane allow you to directly change the images used in the voting template widget (in the same way you could change the images used in the voting block).

Voting behavior
Page list voting behavior options

The Voting pane allow you to customize the voting behavior of each elements of the list. Aside from the last options, all options are similar to the Ballot Box block.
However, one option had been added to allow vote on pages which do not yet have a voting attribute. If the Enable vote for 'voteless' pages is selected, then all pages shown in the list will be votable. In case the user vote for a page which did not have the voting attribute, then the voting attribute will be added to the page automatically.

Page List Templates

The page list is shipped with several custom templates :

Default Template

Page list custom templates are compatible with the blog-entry-list custom CSS class (used by concrete5 default Elemental theme). You can add a custom CSS class in the same dialog used to change the display template.

Default Template (with blog-entry-list CSS class)
Blog Thumbnail List
Blog Thumbnail List (with blog-entry-list CSS class)

The Blog Thumbnail List template list pages as blog entries. The thumbnail is retrieved from the Thumbnail Image page attribute or from the first block of the Thumbnail Image area if it is an Image block (in the same way the default Page List did on concrete 5.6 for Blog Entry page types).

Blog Entry

The Blog Index Template will show a preview of the main area of the page in the list. Those areas can also contain ballot boxes, and if so, they will be rendered just fine. Voting on those block will actually vote for the target page' attribute (just as expected).

Vote Widget Templates

Each page list template can be combined with various vote widget templates. Vote widget templates are widgets used to allow the user to vote for the targeted page. %PROJECT_NAME comes with several vote widget templates, accessible from the page list edit dialog (in the Display Options pane, under Vote Template select list).

Here is an example of an item of the page list using the blog thumbnail template, combined with the different vote widget templates (here shown using the custom template "Blog Thumbnail" with the blog-entry-list CSS class added).

default small
thumbs small
up and down
up and down small
up and down score
up and down small score

Vote widget template is independent from the block custom template used to display the page list. If you wish to create vote templates for your site or distribute vote widget templates through an extension, please look at the corresponding Developers section of this documentation. Creating a new voting widget template can be done very easily by copying an existing template to your site override or to your addon (in the appropriate path), and modifying it. %PROJECT_NAME will automatically find it and it will then be made available to all page lists.

Vote List Thumbnails

The page list block includes a modified version of the Blog Entry Thumbnails template. This template will look for a thumbnail in the same location than the %THUMB% will, that is, first in the Thumbnail Image page attribute, then in the Thumbnail Image area of the page (this area should be available for Blog Entry).

Advanced Users

Manually edit votes

Votes are stored in the page attribute. You can manually edit the votes by going to the page attribute and entering new votes values in the edit dialog :

Page attribute

The attribute dialog is split into two parts, the attribute edit and the log/value control buttons (on the left). The attribute edit form is the following:

Page attribute form

From this page you can also clear all existing vote logs (enabling users to vote again, but not changing the vote score) by clicking the Clear Log button. The Reset button will reset the values to 0 and clear the vote log as well.

Multiple votes per page

Vote ballot boxes are in fact Page Attributes. By default, only one attribute is added to your page attributes after installation. To add other ballot boxes (thus enabling multiple and different votes on pages),

  1. Go to the Dashboard>Pages & Themes>Attributes.
  2. Select the Ballot Box in Add Attribute select.
  3. Click on the Go button.
  4. Fill in the form and use the Add button

You now have multiple vote targets available in your ballot box blocks, page list, and page attributes.

Vote Statistics

If you selected the record stats option in the vote widgets or ballot box block, you can then visualize votes statistics in the dashboard by visiting the Dashboard>Up/Down Votes>statistics page.

This page will let you filter statistics by page, ballot box, user name, and show them on the last 3 hours, last day, month, or year.

By default, all data are aggregated, and only up votes, down votes, and total votes are shown. If you filter by page, the total score evolution will then be drawn as well.

Managing votes

To manage votes, go to the DashBoard>Up/Down Votes>Page Votes:

From this page, you can view all vote scores, count and logs, grouped by page and vote type :

Users Vote Records (that is, what they voted), is recorded in order to prevent users to vote twice and to allow them to change their vote later on. Clearing vote logs will clear that history, but will not alter the vote score (that is the number of Up and Down Votes).

More than 100 votes on the same page

To prevent infinite recursion loops, the number of page list viewed in a single page is limited to (by default) 100. You can change this setting in Dashboard>Up/Down Votes>Settings. This setting prevents you from creating a recursion loop where one page list in Blog Index template will render itself over and over.

Setting the maximum recursion too high numbers (or disabling it) can break your pages.


Creating Ballot Box Custom Templates

Custom templates for the Up/Down Vote ballot box are very simple to create. The best way is probably to copy/paste an existing template to your site override in blocks/gnt_ballotbox/templates.

Specifying default images

Templates provided by Ballot Box includes 4 comments lines at the beginning of the file to define the default images used in the template :

# IMAGE_UP_ON thumbs/on/thumbup-full-left.png thumbs/on/thumbup-empty-left.png # IMAGE_UP_OFF thumbs/off/thumbup-full-left.png thumbs/off/thumbup-empty-left.png # IMAGE_DOWN_ON thumbs/on/thumbdn-full-right.png thumbs/on/thumbdn-empty-right.png # IMAGE_DOWN_OFF thumbs/off/thumbdn-full-right.png thumbs/off/thumbdn-empty-right.png

Those comments define the defaults image to use for each direction (UP/DOWN) and for each situation (Voting ON or OFF). Each line contains two image references, the first one is used when the ballot box actually contains votes (full), the second is used when the ballot box does not contain any vote (empty).

The images path is relative to the package image directory (that is /packages/gnt_vote_list/images). If the image path begins with a /, then it is considered an absolute url (from the root of your website). You can either use provided images or specify your own (it is then probably a wiser idea to place those images in your site override, for instance in /images and use a path like /images/my_image.png).

The edit dialog will first read the template file to know what should be the defaults, then allow the user to change the file to be shown. In order to use the selected image, instead of the default one, you should use the following variables :

  • $imageUp pointing to the image src for the up vote
  • $imageDown pointing to the image src for the down vote

The block will automatically pick the right image depending on the situation. For example, the following code will show the image used for the up vote button :

<img src="<?=$imageUp?>" />
Using the defined variables

The following variables are available in your templates :

  • $redirectLink the link to send anonymous users to
  • $canVote true if the current user can vote
  • $upVotes the number of up votes
  • $downVotes the number of down votes
  • $boxComment the voting comment (already cooked for you)
  • $bID the current block ID
  • $targetCID the actual page that vote is for
  • $lastVote the last vote of the current user (±1)
  • $onState the 'on' if the user can vote, 'off' if not
  • $images an array containing all images src
  • $refreshLink the link to use to perform an AJAX refresh of the block
  • $ballotBox the BallotBox object associated with this page
  • $akHandle the ballot box attribute handle used to stored the votes

To vote, you will have to use the provided function:,<?=$bID?>,<?=$targetCID?>) // vote up,<?=$bID?>,<?=$targetCID?>) // vote down
Voting, and refreshing votes

If you want to create your own templates, keep in mind that votes can be refreshed in two different ways:

  • AJAX : easier to program (the whole template is rendered again), but slower response time
  • JSON : better response time (only votes get refreshed), but implies you to write the response code.

For both method, the best way to start is to get your hands on an existing template, and customize it.

Using the AJAX Refresher

The ajax refresher will refresh the complete template after voting. To do so you must first initialize the GntBallotBox library with the refresh link to be used, and then register the block to be refreshed with the GntBallotBox.registerWidget()  function

<script type="text/javascript">
		if ( 'undefined' == typeof ( GntBallotBox ) ) return;
		GntBallotBox.registerBlock(<?=$bID?>, "ballotBox_<?=$bID?>","<?=$akHandle?>","<?=html_entity_decode($this->action('json_vote'))?>", <?=$targetCID?> );
Using the JSON Refresher

To use the JSON provided tool, you will have to create a new BallotBoxWidget and register it. Up Down Vote Lister comes with a default implementation which handles all the voting and the text/image replacements occurring after the votes update. To use the default implementation though, you will need to have specific elements marked up as follow:

  1. wrap all your widget under a single html entity, and give it a unique ID (say, htmlID)
  2. identify texts and images that need to be updated (score, votes etc...) in span/ids to match the following CSS selectors
    • #htmlID span.score the vote score
    • #htmlID the total number of vote
    • #htmlID span.percentUp percentage of up votes (2 decimal shown)
    • #htmlID span.percentDn percentage of down votes (2 decimal shown)
    • #htmlID span.upVotes number of up votes
    • #htmlID span.downVotes number of down votes
    • #htmlID img.upVotes the image used for voting up
    • #htmlID img.downVotes the image used for voting down

for example, the following markup will get updated by a widget with the score and upVotes :

<div id="MyWidgetID">
    <!-- whatever code you want -->
    This page have a score of :
    <span class="score"><?=$score?></span>
    (so far, 
    <span class="upVotes"><?=$upVotes?></span>
    voted up for this page)

To create a BallotBoxWidget you will need the ID of your markup structure (htmlID in our preceding example), the handle of the Ballotbox attribute to vote in, and the images array (so that the widget can choose the correct image according to the situation). To register that widget in the GntBallotBox you will also need the block bID.

Here is an example of a code creating and registering a BallotBoxWidget within a view template:

<script type="text/javascript">
		if ( 'undefined' == typeof ( GntBallotBox ) ) return;
		var imagesArray = <?=JavascriptHelper::arrayToJsDict($images)?>;
			new BallotBoxWidget("ballotBox_<?=$bID?>", imagesArray ),
			"<?=$akHandle?>", "<?=html_entity_decode( $this->action('json_vote') ) ?>", <?=$targetCID?>

Here is an example of a full template :

<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die('Access Denied.');
# IMAGE_UP_ON thumbs/on/thumbup-full-right.png thumbs/on/thumbup-empty-right.png # IMAGE_UP_OFF thumbs/off/thumbup-full-right.png thumbs/off/thumbup-empty-right.png # IMAGE_DOWN_ON thumbs/on/thumbdn-full-right.png thumbs/on/thumbdn-empty-right.png # IMAGE_DOWN_OFF thumbs/off/thumbdn-full-right.png thumbs/off/thumbdn-empty-right.png 
Loader::helper( 'javascript', 'gnt_vote_list' );
$link = $redirectLink ? $redirectLink : 'javascript:void(0)';
$hasLink = $canVote || $redirectLink;
<div class="gnt_vote_list_ballotbox" id="ballotBox_<?=$bID?>">
	<span class="votesComments"><?=$boxComment?></span>
	<span class="votes">
	<span class="upVotes"><?=$upVotes?></span>
	<?php if($hasLink){?><a 
	<?=$redirectLink?'':"onclick=\",$bID,$targetCID);return false;\""?>
	><?php }?><img class="upVotes" src="<?=$imageUp?>"/><?php if($hasLink){?></a><?php }?>
	<span class="downVotes"><?=$downVotes?></span>
	<?php if ($hasLink){?><a 
	<?=$redirectLink?'':"onclick=\",$bID,$targetCID);return false;\""?>
	><?php }?><img class="downVotes" src="<?=$imageDown?>"/><?php if($hasLink){?></a><?php }?>
<?php if ( $canVote ) { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
		if ( 'undefined' == typeof ( GntBallotBox ) ) return;
		var imagesArray = <?=JavascriptHelper::arrayToJsDict($images)?>;
			new BallotBoxWidget("ballotBox_<?=$bID?>", imagesArray ),
			"<?=$akHandle?>", "<?=html_entity_decode( $this->action('json_vote') ) ?>", <?=$targetCID?>

For more information on how to use the javascript library, please see the shipped templates.

Creating Vote Widget Templates

Adding a Template

As mentioned, the Vote Page List block uses vote widget templates to allow users to vote for a particular page. Users can choose the template to use from the edit dialog. This dialog will look for any vote widget template installed within the website. To create a vote widget template as usual, it is a lot easier to copy/paste an existing template to a new file and start modifying it.

Shipped vote widget templates are located in packages/gnt_vote_list/blocks/gnt_vote_list/vote_templates.

To create your own vote widget template, copy paste one of the file (except the none.php which is an empty template to allow users to hide the vote widget), into your site override : blocks/gnt_vote_list/vote_templates/ (if this directory does not exist, create it).

Addon developers can also include vote widget templates by adding a template into your_package/blocks/gnt_vote_list/vote/templates.

Vote widget templates are looked up in the following order :

  1. blocks/gnt_vote_list/vote_templates
  2. packages/gnt_vote_list/blocks/gnt_vote_list/vote_templates
  3. packages/*/blocks/gnt_vote_list/vote_templates

Which means that a site override template can actually override a shipped vote widget template, but a package vote widget template can not. (For obvious security reasons). As a general rule, the site override can override anything but nothing can override the site override).

Templates names listed in the edit dialog come from the template file name in which underscores (_) are replaced by spaces.

Creating your template

Creating a vote widget template works pretty much the same way you would create a custom template for the Ballot Box block, except that this time, the code is executed in the BlockController scope (instead of running in the BlockView scope for a normal custom template). Beside this minor different, in fact very few things change …

The vote template have access to the following variables :

  • $akHandle the ballot box attribute handle used to stored the votes
  • $ballotBox the BallotBox object associated with this page
  • $upVotes the number of up votes
  • $downVotes the number of down votes
  • $score the vote score ($upVotes - $downVotes
  • $totalVotes total number of votes ($upVotes + $downVotes
  • $redirectLink the link to send anonymous users to
  • $canVote true if the current user can vote
  • $images an array containing all images src
  • $imageUp the image to use for the up vote button
  • $imageDown the image to use for the down vote button
  • $onState the 'on' if the user can vote, 'off' if not
  • $targetCID the actual page that vote is for
  • $bID the current block ID

As opposed to the Up/Down vote ballot box block, vote widgets do not display a message, thus you don't have access to a $boxComment variable. Moreover, since vote widgets are not blocks, you can not use the AJAX block refresher, you will have to use the provided JSON refresher (for this reason as well, there is no $refreshLink variable available).

Vote widget templates use the same comment syntax for images, (in fact, they are processed by the same library), you can then simply use those comments to set default images used for the template.

All the voting and refreshing mechanism is identical to the block template, if using the JSON refresher. Please refer to the block template documentation (in the above sections), or directly to the code itself.

Actually, creating a vote widget template from a corresponding block custom template is a breeze (just remove the text display, and ensure that the HTML id will remain unique in the final output).

As an example, here is a complete example of a vote widget template :

<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die('Access Denied.');
# IMAGE_UP_ON thumbs/on/thumbup-full-right.png thumbs/on/thumbup-empty-right.png # IMAGE_UP_OFF thumbs/off/thumbup-full-right.png thumbs/off/thumbup-empty-right.png # IMAGE_DOWN_ON thumbs/on/thumbdn-full-right.png thumbs/on/thumbdn-empty-right.png # IMAGE_DOWN_OFF thumbs/off/thumbdn-full-right.png thumbs/off/thumbdn-empty-right.png 
$metID = "${bID}_$targetCID";
$divID = "ballotBoxList_$metID";
Loader::helper( 'javascript', 'gnt_vote_list' );
$link = $redirectLink ? $redirectLink : 'javascript:void(0)';
$hasLink = $canVote || $redirectLink;
<div class="gnt_vote_list_voteWidget" id="<?=$divID?>">
	<span class="votes">
		<span class="upVotes"><?=$upVotes?></span>
		<?php if($hasLink){?><a 
		<?=$redirectLink?'':"onclick=\",'$metID',$targetCID);return false;\""?>
		><?php }?><img class="upVotes" src="<?=$imageUp?>"/><?php if($hasLink){?></a><?php }?>
		<span class="downVotes"><?=$downVotes?></span>
		<?php if ($hasLink){?><a 
		<?=$redirectLink?'':"onclick=\",'$metID',$targetCID);return false;\""?>
		><?php }?><img class="downVotes" src="<?=$imageDown?>"/><?php if($hasLink){?></a><?php }?>
<?php if ( $canVote ) { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
		if ( 'undefined' == typeof ( GntBallotBox ) ) return;
		var imageArray = <?=JavascriptHelper::arrayToJsDict( $images ) ?>;
		GntBallotBox.registerWidget (
			"<?=$metID ?>", 
			new BallotBoxWidget("<?=$divID?>", imageArray ),
			"<?=$akHandle?>", "<?=html_entity_decode( $jsONVote ) ?>", <?=$targetCID?>
// vim: set noexpandtab ts=4 :

Using the vote model API

This addon provides a model for manipulating the votes. This model can be found in packages/models/gnt_vote_list/models/ballotbox.php. To use the model from a page in your site you must first load the model using the following code :

Loader::model("ballotbox", "gnt_vote_list" );

This model includes following main classes :

  • BallotBox general ballot box object (need a voting target)
  • PageBallotBox ballot box for pages (builtin target)
  • VoteTarget general vote target object
  • PageVoteTarget page bound vote target

The main class you will be using is the PageBallotBox, but this model in fact allow you to create your own VoteTarget to vote for any CollectionType! (see the model directly for details).

Here is a quick example of the PageBallotBox usage :

<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die('Access Denied.');
$c = Page::getCurrentPage();
Loader::model( 'ballotbox', 'gnt_vote_list'); // Load the model
$list = PageVoteTarget::getBallotBoxList(); // get all existing ballot boxes for pages
$akHandle = current(array_keys($list)); // get the attribute handle of the first ballot box
$ballotbox = new PageBallotBox( $c->getCollectionID(), $akHandle );
if ( !$ballotBox->isInstalled() ) 
	echo t("This page does not have vote enabled yet!");
	$ballotBox->install(); // initiate votes
	echo t("Total votes for this page : %s\n", $ballotBox->getTotalVotes() );
	echo t("Up votes : %s\n", $ballotBox->getUpVotes() );
if ( $ballotBox->didVote() ) echo t("We voted already!");
// Voting
if ( $ballotBox->canVote() )
	$ballotBox->vote( BallotBox::VOTE_UP ); // Vote up !
	$ballotBox->vote( BallotBox::VOTE_DOWN ); // Vote down (probably rejected)
	// actually, at least the last will be rejected if this ballot box only allow single votes
if ( $ballotBox->allowVoteChange() )
	$ballotBox->change( BallotBox::VOTE_DOWN ); // change the vote unless the change is forbidden
// vim: set noexpandtab ts=4 :

Please refer to the class file directly for more information about those two classes public interface.

Requests and Support

You can contact me for support or question through the PM system, or you can use the support system builtin. I usually answer within the hour if I am online, or within 1 business day otherwise. (Please just keep in mind that we might sit in different timezones which might end up in me answering you while you sleep ...).

Need a feature ? need to make sure you can use this addon in a specific situation, just ask!