The content of FAQ postings doesn't appear to be indexed by the C5 search system.

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The content of FAQ postings doesn't appear to be indexed by the C5 search system. I would like it to be, can that be changed?

I have run and re-run the C5 indexer, but search still doesn't return keywords that I know are used in the FAQ. The index does contain other uses of the same words, so it's not like the words are excluded.

It would be handy to have the FAQ searchable too.

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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pvernaglia replied on at Permalink Reply
I just put up v2.1, give that a try -thanks
robperin replied on at Permalink Reply
Updated to 2.1
Cleared cache
Ran Index Search Engine - All
Logged out
Searched for word - guarantee
-Found it in site content
-Found it in the FAQ
Mission accomplished
Cased closed
Developer gets a 5-star review for responsiveness!

Seriously, thank you.

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