Possible to add User Profile Pages?

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I am using the Neat Theme and Using your Log In Block for Members to log in. I am having some issue where once logged in, the member does not have access to their Profile Editing Pages for their Accounts even though I have the "Show the account menu when logged in" ticked. ( I have Public Profiles disabled because I do not want Members seeing the Directory list that enabling Public Profiles creates).
So, my question for you is, if there is a way to somehow add a "My Account" option to the block? Not sure if that could be done through "Attributes" or not? Oh, and one other question, Since the Neat Theme has a black header where I have the Log In Block, is it possible to change the color of the User's name from black (default) to another color? If so, how would I do that? Thanks very much and I really like the block.

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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pvernaglia replied on at Permalink Reply
You are looking for an option to link to the account/edit_profile page?

You can change colors with CSS, you could either add Custom CSS in page settings or make a copy of the Login block to /applications and edit the view.css there
w2f replied on at Permalink Reply
yes- for some reason the edit profile page is not an option for my users unless I allow public profiles (which I don't want to because it opens up the Directory List page to all Users). At one point I thought I had this figured out by Activating Public Profiles and then setting the permissions on the Directory List Page itself to only the "Admin". However, with this theme anyway, it makes a drop down menu that then blocks the User from the rest of the Profile Pages. (They get a "Page Forbidden" error message. So I was hoping there might be a way to have the User get to their Profile Editing directly from the Log In Box (which they will look to as "their" unique block on the site anyway- (no looking through menus to get to their account). I think on the "Elemental and Clonamental Themes" the log in/out is something like that- but they are not consistent (or as nice looking in my option) as this block.
Thanks for the CSS advice on the text coloring- I'll look more into that.
pvernaglia replied on at Permalink Reply
I think I can add that in, will take a few days to get to it.
w2f replied on at Permalink Reply
That's great! This will put the Add On over the top! since moving my site's url I have not been able to connect with the Community again so I won't know when any upgrades are made. Will you please post here when it's ready? I will have to update it a different way.
pvernaglia replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, I just put up version 1.1, it has the option for a link to the edit profile page. You do not need to enable public profiles to have this link function work. If you want to enable the link to profile option you do need public profiles enabled.

Let me know how that works for you
w2f replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, I purchased the new version.
w2f replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I got it upgraded and really like it!! Thanks so much! It really makes it much more convenient. I have one question, maybe more a C5 thing though?

Since the new profile link takes the user to the default C5 Edit Profile Page, there is no place for me to put the page in edit mode in order to add a menu back "home". When the user goes to their Edit Profile Page, they only have the "Welcome Back" link to return them to a page that actually has a Menu (unless they use their browser return). When the User Clicks on "Welcome Back" it takes them to a "page forbidden" message - obviously, it's connected to the Admin's "Welcome Back" and not meant for a registered user. My question is if you might know if here is a way to have the "Welcome Back" link on the Edit Profile Page to be redirected for the Registered User to take them back to the Home Page instead of the Page Forbidden Page??? Or is this a better question maybe for the forum?

Thanks again for the new version! it's great!
pvernaglia replied on at Permalink Reply
I think you'll need to customize the edit profile single page. If you search the forums you should find the best way to do it.

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