Responsive Height?

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I have been thinking about using this slider for my new project located at . I noticed on the demo that the height of the container is not responsive to the image that is contained within it. Is there anyway that the container and the image height can be responsive like the width of it currently is? I would want the slider to look exactly like the one at my website right now but the slider that is currently in it is using odd code that doesn't allow this to happen.

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
There is an option to set the height to 0 (means auto) and it makes the slider responsive in height.
cwisniewski replied on at Permalink Reply
Alright, thank you! I will probably be purchasing the slider in an hour or two.

Thanks for the quick response time!
cwisniewski replied on at Permalink Reply
Alright, thank you! I will probably be purchasing the slider in an hour or two.

Thanks for the quick response time!
cwisniewski replied on at Permalink Reply
So the responsive height is great because I have large images that need to scale to lager screens. In my Chrome and Safari browser it works perfectly, however in my firefox browser, the container is stretching to the images original height and width when the images slide to the left. Is there any way to fix this? Ill continue working on finding a solution, but I'm wondering if you have come across this at all before and know a solution

Here is my website URL again. Make sure you are in a Firefox browser.
cwisniewski replied on at Permalink Reply
So the responsive height is great because I have large images that need to scale to lager screens. In my Chrome and Safari browser it works perfectly, however in my firefox browser, the container is stretching to the images original height and width when the images slide to the left. Is there any way to fix this? Ill continue working on finding a solution, but I'm wondering if you have come across this at all before and know a solution

Here is my website URL again. Make sure you are in a Firefox browser.
cwisniewski replied on at Permalink Reply
Nevermind, I was able to come up with a solution for it. The max-width needs to be set to a pixel width and the width needs to be 100% on the item class. No need to take a look at it anymore.
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
ThanX for sharing

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