
Whale Folio is a simple jQuery folio, contains lots of ready to use themes and effects.
also there are plenty of option to customize your folio:


  • Easily select items from file manager
  • Insert title, description and url for each item
  • T & D bottons: Fetch all title/description attribute of selected items as defaulr values.


  • Columns: Number of columns in each row.
  • Primary Slide: What do you want to show as primary slide, image or it's description, you can set it here.
  • Duration: Transition duration in milisecond.
  • Effect: Fade, Slide vertically, Slide horizotally
  • Effect Percentage: Set above effect operation in percentage. (e.g. 80% fade on hover)


  • Theme: Folio theme (Light, Dark, Navy)
  • Slide title font color
  • Slide description font color
  • Slide background color