Is there a possibility to add Slide In from Top and Slide in from Bottom?

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I have two slide shows on my home page. One of the slide shows I have the images slide in from the left - thus I am using the option SlideIn Left.

the second slide show I wanted the images to slide in from the top. This would make the image move vertically instead of horizontally but there is no Slide IN from the top nor a slide in from the Bottom. Any possibility of adding the vertical slide in options for the slide functionality.

thanks again for a great product!!!

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shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
slideInUp and slideInDown effects are not included at the nivo slider default effect list. (plugin usage section).
But you can easily create these two effect by modifying 'slidInLeft' effect. This is a guideline for adding new effects:

1- First add these two effect to the list of effect at the block editing interface, open \whale_nivo_slider\blocks\whale_nivo_slider\controller.php, at line 25 add these effect into the $effects array:
public $effects = array('random','fold','fade',

now when you open the block editing UI, you should see new effect added to the effects combobox.

2- Open \whale_nivo_slider\blocks\whale_nivo_slider\js\jquery.nivo.slider.js file, at line 510 before
} else if(currentEffect === 'boxRandom'){

insert these lines of code:
            } else if(currentEffect === 'slideInDown'){
                createSlices(slider, settings, vars);
                firstSlice = $('.nivo-slice:first', slider);
                    'width': '100%',
                    'opacity': '1',
               'top': slider.height()
                firstSlice.animate({ top: '0px' }, (settings.animSpeed*2), '', function(){ slider.trigger('nivo:animFinished'); });
            } else if(currentEffect === 'slideInUp'){
                createSlices(slider, settings, vars);
                firstSlice = $('.nivo-slice:first', slider);
               'width': '100%',

Just bare in mind the js nivo plugin i used at the package is pack version, you can download the original one (ver 3.2) form nivo slider site and replace that with packed one.
I also attached the modified js file to this post too. you can easily remove jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js and copy this modified version to js folder.

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