Mobile Responsive

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Hi Shahroq,

I love this add-on but am having a little battle I cannot figure out that I'd like your help with. I've searched archived problems and only found 3 questions that had similar problems. I tried applying the code you suggested in those threads but none seem to fully work on a smartphone view.

I referenced Mobile View, August 29, 2016 at 11:23 PM; Hide Title on Mobile,
May 02, 2016 at 12:08 PM and Responsiveness of captions on a single slider, August 12, 2016 at 5:06 AM.

I like the last posts thoughts about turning off the slider completely in mobile view if I cannot get this resolved.

The current code I have in the style is:

@media (max-width: 480px) {
.woc-caption-wrapper *{

I've tried different px widths with no luck. If you haven't figured it out already I'm a beginner.

What happens is that everything condenses and the button on the slider is not viewable at the smaller size unless I turn on the pagination buttons but if I turn on the pagination buttons at the small size they cover the whole slider. When I turn them off the content becomes more viewable but then the background that makes the slides all consistent height disappears.

Attaching pictures and hope you can send some code, or codes if there are multiple solutions so I can try them out.

The two IMG are from my iPhone and the screen shot is from my MacBook. The Macbook view is fine and I would like to duplicate that on mobile and if that's not possible then code to turn off the slider on mobile phones.

Thank you for your assistance, this is the last bug to fix before we launch next week so I hope to hear soon.

Best regards,
John (@brandscapes)

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Type: Ticket
Status: New
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