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I was wondering if there is a basic getting started. I am new to using tabs and can't seem to get them to show up. Just how to get them on the page and accepted style format or code. Thank you.

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
Check quick start link at the sky tabs page:
Sky tabs use "Stacks" for each tab, so you should first create them, then use stacks to create a tabs widget.
band2852 replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, I didn't see the getting started guide. This tabs add-on has got to be one of the best and most functional I have seen. The absolute only thing I would ever ask, is is it was possible to fully customize the tabs themselves. You already add much more to that than other options, but it got it thinking about making the existing ones transparent and allowing the users to upload image files for the tabs themselves, so we could make buttons that match our themes more closely. It is not necessary but that would be it. I commend you on your work and will look for your add-ons first, in the future.
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
About change appearance you can do one of the followings:
- inject your style into any of the textarea of design section.
- you can change original css files (/css/*.*)
- or you can duplicate current theme file and create your own theme. In this case you should add your theme files handle (folder name) into dashboard tab generator controller file.
About adding the ability to insert content (text/image), you should wait a few days, the new version will have a richtext editor directly at the every tabs panel.
Thanx for the compliment, i wish you wrote them as a review.
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
The new version contains ability to insert standard content/image directly. Also we will appreciate to hear your feedback.

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