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Sweet Yelp Reviews

This add-on allows you to display your most recent Yelp review on your website.  The review is displayed according to Yelp's api requirements, and links back to the specific author/review on the Yelp website.  NOTE: Only 1 review is allowed to be displayed at a time, per Yelp's API requirements.

Setup involves acquiring API keys/tokens, which can be done easily here:

You also need the Yelp business id, which can be grabbed directly from the business's Yelp page url.  For instance, if the url to the business on Yelp is:

The business ID will be the part after "biz/", or "starbucks-saint-petersburg-11".  You can enter this, along with the keys into the Yelp Reviews settings page in the dashboard.

Three templates allow you to customize the view of the review, and the view can be easily styled via CSS, by the CSS-inclined.


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