seems broken atm

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haven't changed anything in years and i noticed that lately the video background is missing a 1/4 of the left side

Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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beals replied on at Permalink Reply
i dont think i have the latest release either i tried to get it but don't seem to have access to it
when i went to buy it back in 2013 i messed up wrote to you and you fixed it on your end but now it shows as gifted with out the option to get the latest archive from here
YouTube Background (OMG!)
0 Available Licenses. Details 1 Assigned License.
Given as gift on 02/25/13 at 6:17 PM. Assigned to project Beals MMO Haven.Inc
beals replied on at Permalink Reply
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
I checked your page and the video isn't coming up for me at all. I see a javascript error and that could be related to the fact that you're using a youtube video with "http" and your page is loading with "https" (you shouldn't have both secure and insecure elements on the same page.

Firstly, try replacing the "http" with "https" inside the YouTube Background url field. If that doesn't resolve the problem, try ensuring you've got the most recent version. Based on what you're describing the license is "assigned" (meaning you can not manually download it via your C5 account, without un-assigning it). You should be able to upgrade it with 1 click from your site's Dashboard. Look for "extend C5".

Let me know how that goes.

jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
FYI, the video loads when I bring up the page in "http" mode instead of "https". I see the gap you're talking about. It looks like it's caused by the theme, not my addon. Here's the snippet of CSS code from the theme (using Google Chrome inspector tool) so you can see where to start troubleshooting:

Hope this helps.

beals replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
but it seem to do it even on your showcase site i attached a screenshot
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Ah, I see. It must have been an update to C5 that caused that. I'll dig into it and find a solution.
Thanks for your patience.

beals replied on at Permalink Reply
thank you
beals replied on at Permalink Reply
any luck with this
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Still working on it. I've been travelling quite a lot over the last week, so getting reliable Internet access for testing is a challenge. I've just arrived in a new accomodation and it should be easier now. Aiming at getting to the bottom of it in the next couple days. Thanks for your patience.
beals replied on at Permalink Reply
ok thank you for the reply if you need another testing install i can pm change my pw for my C5 site and send you the details via email or something if it will help out this is by far my favorite c5 addon
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
I've fixed this issue and the new version of YouTube Background has been uploaded to the marketplace. The issue was related to changes to the YouTube API.

If you just update your version of the plugin (either via your C5 dashboard with marketplace integration, or manually upload the unzipped files via FTP).

My demo on has been fixed as well:

Hope this helps.

beals replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks that's the other issue i have when i bought this forever ago. i messed up bought a different one you make and had to contact you. so now when i visit it on here it shows gifted and i don't have access to a zip
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, I'll send you a PM with a private link to download the zip.
beals replied on at Permalink Reply
`its back to normal :) Thank you very very much

you can close this

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