Version History

1.3.17 - Improved display by removing the player panel when the initial video is not selected.

1.3.16 - Added support for https sites.

1.3.15 - Added support for Autoplay option.

1.3.14 - Fixed Youtube ID error message.

1.3.13 - Modified input name from "content" to "yt_username" to avoid naming conflicts.

1.3.12 - Bug fix for the form validation.

- Bug fix for 5.5.2 which throws undefined method for the view.

1.3.11 - Fixed related videos option being ignored on 1.3.10.

1.3.10 - Theme styles and loader image improvements.

1.3.9 - Bug fix for non-responsive option.

1.3.8 - Bug fixed when adding block which throws an Fatal error.

- Added block form validation.

1.3.7 - Added option to make layout responsive.

1.3.6 - Added option to choose a video to display on initial launch.

1.3.5 - Modified thumbnail grabber script to retrieve the chosen thumbnail on Youtube.

1.3.4 - Added option for video width and height specification.

1.3.3 - Added fix IE7+ Issue on retrieving the video list

      - Added fix for "Deleted" videos bug

1.3.2 - Added fix on Subscriptions option and back button to go back to subscription overview.

1.3.1 - Added fix on Playlist "No. of Videos to Show" glitch.

1.3 - Added Playlist ID field.

    - Omitted inbox and contact subscription type since its list is not public anymore.

1.2 - Fixed youtube api for "playlists" channel type.

- Added support for Concrete5.6 table fix.

- Added support for Firefox Tab fixes.

- Added fix for very long video titles.

1.1 - Added iOS support. If your older copy still has the "swfobject.js" in the "js" folder, please manually delete that file.

1.0.4 - Added support for different channel types.

1.0.3 - Added support for displaying published dates and enhanced title layout for better integration on Greek Yogurt theme.

1.0.2 - Added support for related video exclusion or inclusion option.

1.0.1 - Changed loading process for swfobject.js for better compatibility with other Flash-based add-ons.

1.0 - Initial Release