Can't install update

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Hi Guys,

Sorry to be a pain after all of your hard work but I installed the new version but throws error when I try to use the block within a page block.

I have assigned the license and have loaded the update but receiving the following error:

Warning: include(/home1/surfjoe/public_html/ [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home1/surfjoe/public_html/ on line 66

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home1/surfjoe/public_html/' for inclusion (include_path='/home1/surfjoe/public_html/') in /

Do you know why this is happening? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply

Sorry to hear you are having trouble. Have you tried reinstalling the add-on? I couldn't seem to replicate this. It says that your C5 system can't find a certain file which I just checked and it's there. It could have been that you have downloaded a corrupt copy.

Hope that helps.

surfsupjoe125 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Jz,

Yes I have re-installed it several times now. Just did it again. It installs but if used on page shows that error. I have uploaded the package to the server, extracted it, installed it from the dashboard and then go to page to use it and get that error.

I really need to get this back up. Any suggestions? This is becoming a problem.

Thanks and cheers
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply

Sorry for to hear this. I was out yesterday and be back at my desk within 8 hours. I will get back to you.

surfsupjoe125 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Guys,

Sorry to be a pain after all of your hard work. I have attempted this 5-6
times now all with same result:

*Warning*: include(/home1/surfjoe/public_html/
failed to open stream: No such file or directory
line *66*

*Warning*: include() [function.include
Failed opening '/home1/surfjoe/public_html/'
for inclusion (include_path='/home1/surfjoe/public_html/')
line *66*

Just want to remind you of something as well. I am using the addon for some
friends of mine that are videographers for 25 years here in Naples. I had
reached out to you previously to allow the addon to display more videos. I
believe you changed it to 60 or 100, I can't remember. I know this
shouldn't be a factor with your new update but wanted to let you know that
you had done that for me.

Again, sorry but I need to get this up and running as soon as possible as
they are losing patience with me.

Thanks and cheers

*Joe Notarianni*
Tel:(239) 434-7095
Cell:(239) 298-3984
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Joe,

I couldn't remember exactly what customisation has been done to your copy. Just to let you know that once it gets updated the changes to your customisations will be overridden. I'm looking into this now.

surfsupjoe125 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks JZ - Most importasnt is to get it working again, lol. You just
allowed the ability to show more videos since they have so many

Thanks I am here and standing by if you need anything from me.


*Joe Notarianni*
Tel:(239) 434-7095
Cell:(239) 298-3984
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply

I think I know where the problem is. The files uploaded were corrupted. Kindly do an update once again.

Let me know how you go.

surfsupjoe125 replied on at Permalink Reply

I have done this a ton of times. Can you instruct me how to get an updated
version that is not corrupt?

*Joe Notarianni*
Tel:(239) 434-7095
Cell:(239) 298-3984
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Joe,

There is a new version 1.3.19 (uploaded just now) just upgrade to it and it will fix this.

surfsupjoe125 replied on at Permalink Reply
Its not showing up. Do I have to wait a bit?

*Joe Notarianni*
Tel:(239) 434-7095
Cell:(239) 298-3984
76West replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi JZ ...

Just wanted to report similar issue here. Our C5 dashboard is showing YouTube Channel - 1.3.17

I've uninstalled/reinstalled with same result.
surfsupjoe125 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi stress. Tell u wat I did to get it working. First go to your transactions on C5. Go to licence. Do download. Use version19. Upload zip to packages. Extract the file. Go back to site dashboard install the Addon. Go to page where you want to use the Addon. It will install now without errors but u will notice u hv to create an API key. Do that and enter API key in Addon. It will work but hv a little patience to get your videos loaded up. I first thought it wasn't working. Waited a bit and it's fine

I spent a ton of time on this before I was told version 19 was needed. It did the trick

Good luck

Please excuse typos and abbreviations as this was sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 27, 2015, at 10:01 PM, concrete5 Community <> wrote:
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply

Sorry I was already out of battery last night. Yes it might be that C5 hasn't updated yet which is why you are not seeing the update version.

@Joe thank you for posting your work around.

surfsupjoe125 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi JZ,

Figured I would share my experience step by step which might help others and less requests from you guys as well.

Of course I can be much more specific if needed as it was rather truncated.

Cheers and thanks again - My clients are very happy!
ninja182 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey JZ,

We just installed the latest version of this plugin (.19) as instructed and created the API key also. Everything installed fine however we are still having the same issues where the video's are not loading. We are using the playlist option. I have pasted the error that is being displayed in the console. Any help would be most appreciated

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefinedworkoutSearchResponse @ utuber-min.js?v=0e76df1357d973fe42088d0649e1eab0:140(anonymous function) @ utuber-min.js?v=0e76df1357d973fe42088d0649e1eab0:123f.Callbacks.n @ jquery.js?v=0e76df1357d973fe42088d0649e1eab0:2f.Callbacks.o.fireWith @ jquery.js?v=0e76df1357d973fe42088d0649e1eab0:2w @ jquery.js? @ jquery.js?v=0e76df1357d973fe42088d0649e1eab0:4
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply

May I know the url where this block is installed?

ninja182 replied on at Permalink Reply
I have emailed you with the web address.

Thanks again.
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply

I didn't seem to receive your email. Where did you send it? You can do so via Private Message.


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