Putting a div in the header area

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Sorry to trouble you again but I wonder if you can help me I would like to put a strapline 'Live Life, Love Learning' just above the nav bar in the brown area. We can move the nav down if necessary. Could you please tell me how I can add a div in this area without interupting the nav bar?

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: Resolved
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chassa2556 replied on at Permalink Reply
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Charlie,

No problem. See screenshot here :http://screencast.com/t/fHAWr3Md32lp...

Add your code between the green boxes. Just follow the default bootstrap container.

Let me know if I need to clarify anything.

chassa2556 replied on at Permalink Reply
That's fantastic thank you very much - I've managed to get the strapline in just where I wanted it. There's an awkward space above the slider and below the nav on the home pagehttp://bmc-client.co.uk/preshute/index.php.... It's inconsistent with the other page and I can't for the life of me find the right bit of code to change could you help please - sorry to be a pain?
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Charlie,

Were you able to find a fix. I browsed through your site and it seems to be on the right spot for all pages.

Kind regards.
chassa2556 replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes with a fresh head I used the topical design controls in C5 to do this - many thanks again have thoroughly enjoyed using your theme :)
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
No problem. If you need help with anything else please let me know.

Resolving ticket.


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