Saved Layout as Preset

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Having a bit of an issue with the saved layout as preset. I created a 2 column layout and saved it as the preset. However, when I implement the layout it does not hold the settings of the saved preset. It is a simple 2 column layout no special settings just 20px padding between columns set within the layout preset.
I have one instance of the layout on the page. But, when adding another it is creating an issue.
img_1 is shows that it is implementing the layout. But, when saved img_2 show that it did not implement img_2a.png show layout without content.

I have also tried to implement the layout on a different page and it created an entirely different layout. img_3 and img_4 show the preset implemented on an entirely different page.

I'm using the left side bar as the page in both examples.

Thank you.

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Type: Pre-Sale
Status: Resolved
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datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Tracy,

It's a bit difficult to diagnose the issue without seeing how you coded your layout presets. Can you provide code screenshots too? Also, are you using the bootstrap classes for the layout?

Looking forward to your reply.

tracyb replied on at Permalink Reply
I selected Main > Add Layout
Created the layout (attached) then saved it as a preset.
If I go back and select the presets it will not hold the initial layout. I
did not add any class for the layout.

On 6/17/16, 2:20 AM, "concrete5 Community" <>
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Tracy,

I've tested the layout presets on my end and everything works as it should. If you won't mind, I can try to test the presets on your site to check what's causing the problem. You can private message me the login credentials.

datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Tracy,

Kindly update your theme. I have uploaded the new version of this theme which has an enabled grid container for a left sidebar and right sidebar. You should select Twitter Bootstrap when you create a layout preset instead of Free-Form Layout and it should work right now.

Please let me know when you have any question.

tracyb replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Still having some issues with the presets.
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I made "Friday, October 21..." Column1 as a preset with a background image and padding.
I added another layout and used the preset for "Saturday, October 22..." and it did not apply the preset 16-headers. I also find it odd that once you make a column and go back to apply a preset you can not change the preset.


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