Forms do not work properly in Global area

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It's been sometime since i bought this theme and I assumed it was all ok. However, the form block in the global footing area is not working properly for users that are on the site with only guest access.

Please can you look and advise.



Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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formigo replied on at Permalink Reply
Please can you elaborate. What is not working and why do you suspect the theme package. The form block and global areas are core concrete5 components
garyjhills replied on at Permalink Reply
When you enter your information and click submit it doesn;t submit. The form clears but no email is sent nor information registered with the form report.

It may well not be a theme issue. Sorry just trying all avenues to try to figure out what is happening.
garyjhills replied on at Permalink Reply
I did have a thought. maybe it's possible to make that particular column not Global in the theme. I know it means I have to add a form to each page in that area but maybe it will work better?
formigo replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you tried the form in a normal area. If that is the problem, it wouldn't be a theme issue, but one with the core.

If it does work and you want a non global area, would recommend create an additional area with a different name, rather than just turning the existing global into an area. I seem to recall we've seen issues with this.

Both code types here in case you are not familiar with them.

// Area
$a = new Area('Area Name');
// Global Area
$a = new GlobalArea('Global Area Name');

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