Small Improvement for call_to_action block

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I was a bit tired of searching the FontAwesome-Page for the right Icon, so I created a preview area in the Block Edit Form. Maybe it's also useful for somebody else.


defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied.")); 
$al = Loader::helper('concrete/asset_library');
$form = Loader::helper('form');
$fh = Loader::helper('form/color');
.ccm-summary-selected-item {
   width: 400px;
<ul class="ccm-dialog-tabs tabs" id="ccm-block-tabs">
   <li class="ccm-nav-active">
      <a href="javascript:void(0)" id="ccm-block-one"><?php   echo t('Text') ?></a>

Type: Discussion
Status: New
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formigo replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Stephan,

Good job! Nice one for posting this I am sure it will come in very useful for other users.

We will see if it can be integrated in to the package so thanks for taking the time to figure this out.

The Formigo Guys

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