Overwhelmed by CSS

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Greetings. I purchased this theme to start the process of building a new site for a customer. This is an industrial kind of company, and they were particularly struck by the clean nature of your theme. To be honest, I'm not an expert in CSS, and I'm kind of overwhelmed about which files to access to tweak some of the things I want to tweak. I'm sure I'll run up against others, but let me tell you about two or three for which I need you to point me in the right direction.

In the "Sitewide Header Site Title" area, I would like to adjust the bottom margin/padding. I'd like to reduce it a bit. Where can I do this?

In the "Title Text" area, the use of any headline tags changes the font to something that I don't like. I'd prefer it be something like Arial or Helvetica. Which CSS file do I access to change this?

Also, when I "bold" text, it changes to a blue color. I want it to be bold but remain black/charcoal. I tried tweaking this aspect using the "Settings" area, and when I go to the options to change the bold characteristics, I can do so. It seems to "take," but then it asks me whether or not I want the change to apply sitewide or only to this page. When I signify sitewide, it will not work. I finally discovered that if I tell it to apply on to the active page, it works.

Anyway, I guess my request in short is if you could provide some additional documentation for those of us who are not CSS gurus and need a bit more guidance about which among all the CSS files we need to access and mess with. I'd appreciate any guidance you could provide.

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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longki replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi sir Kent,

All of the styling for the theme is in main.less file.

1. line 30
Header Section
#header-area {
background-color: @header-background-color;
border-bottom: 1px solid @header-background-border-bottom-color;
font-family: 'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 40px;

2. line 267
.site-title h1, .site-title h2, .site-title h3, .site-title h4, .site-title h5, .site-title h6 {
color: @header-text-header-font-color;
font-family: 'Roboto Slab', serif;
line-height: 1.2;

3. line 62
.site-logo strong { color: @logo-bold-color; }


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