How do I decrease the excessive space above the header image?

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There is too much space above my header image that I did not create through the design options. How do I get rid of the extra space please?

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply

I've already fixed the navigation on the Blog Entry page you should be able to use it for your pages. And regarding this spacing this is also addressed in the latest version of this theme. Kindly upgrade your copy to the latest version and let me know how it goes.

Tribble replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you. I tried updating the theme and got this message:
Unable to backup old package directory to /home2/....

I left off the end of that, but it defines where it is unable to backup too. Any idea what I do about this?
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you checked the permissions on that directory that was mentioned? Make sure it's writeable if you don't know how to do that you may want to contact your hosting provider.

Tribble replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the suggestion. I did the update, but there is still too much space above the Header image. Is there a way for me to change this?
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
I see that you used the Header Bottom area for your navigation which is why it looking differently. Anyway for the alignment of the Header Image you can follow the steps found in here

Hope that helps.

Tribble replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm afraid that the instructions don't seem to apply to the code in my FTP. This is what is recommended:

"Q: How do I modify the spacing on the top and the bottom of the banner?

A: The spacing above the banner can be modified in the same file at line 31. You should find this line:

echo($c->getAttribute('header_banner')->getVersion()->getRelativePath()); } ?>') no-repeat fixed 51% 155px;

Change the 155px to any value you want, the smaller the value the thinner the spacing it will be above."

I can't find the line
echo($c->getAttribute('header_banner')->getVersion()->getRelativePath()); } ?>') no-repeat fixed 51% 155px;

anywhere in the header.php as suggested

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