Destroyed Header Menu in Edit-Mode

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The BB_DROP_DOWN_MENU Header-Menu is totally f*cked up when in Edit mode.
I figured out that there's a "work-around" in the elements/header.php to just use another class for the wrapping DIV to force the use of default autonav design.

BUT it's totally easy to have the correct BB_DROP.... design also in edit mode:

edit the /packages/jb_bold_and_beautiful/blocks/autonav/templates/bb_drop_down_menu/view.php on line 223:

echo '<div id="navmenu" class="sixteen columns alpha omega">'; 
echo '<ul class="nav">'; //opens the top-level menu

and add after the very last line:

echo '</div>';

now we need to alter the packages/jb_bold_and_beautiful/themes/jb_bold_and_beautiful/elements/header.php
and replace this (directly after the opening of "wrapper"-DIV):

<div class="container"> <!-- navigation container -->
      global $c;
      if($c->isEditMode()) { echo "<div id=\"navmenu_edit\" class=\"sixteen columns alpha omega\">"; }
      else{ echo "<div id=\"navmenu\" class=\"sixteen columns alpha omega\">";   }
            $a = new GlobalArea('Header Nav');
   </div> <!-- end of navigation menu -->
</div> <!-- end of navigation conatiner -->

with this:
<div class="container"> <!-- navigation container -->
         $a = new GlobalArea('Header Nav');
    <!-- end of navigation menu -->
</div> <!-- end of navigation conatiner -->

Sorry, but when buying a 30USD-Theme I expect everything working without the need of coding around!

Type: Discussion
Status: New
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jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
I apologise for that. I'm thinking there might have been lacking updates especially for the latest C5 version that came up. And thank you again for helping to put that into detail.

Much appreciated.

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