change Google font

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I am trying to determine how to change the google font and additional styles. It looks like the CSS files are cached - in two different places. I am not used to this approach. I can typically find the css file and reupload it and i am fine. On this install, the typography file in the main package / theme folder is empty.

Please advise the best way to change fonts and anything else controlled by css. It would appear right now all I want to change is main.css and typography.css - although the latter is puzzling to me.


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longki replied on at Permalink Reply

Good day!

You can change the font in main.css.
what particular portion of the theme you want the font to be changed?
Logo, Nav, Header, Main Content, Footer?
You can just search all "sans-serif" text in main.css since it is related
to the font then from there change the whole line to your desired font.

Let me know if you need further help.

stephaniemull replied on at Permalink Reply
I changed the logo-content to start with - and even changed the size to make sure I was changing the right thing, but the following change to line had no effect. that's why I was wondering about the caching?? I did get rid of the bold, too.

It went from:

.logo-content {
font-family: 'Oswald', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; /*steff changed font family */
font-size: 20px;
margin:20px 0;

I can see the style in firefox firebug, but the appearance never changes......
stephaniemull replied on at Permalink Reply
oops, I didn't include the original, but you have it anyway :)
longki replied on at Permalink Reply
For it to work you should include the link of Oswald google font in
Ex. for "Roboto" google font I have this google generated link in
header.php. Just copy and paste for the Oswald google font.
<link href='//,400|PT+Sans'
rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
Also try to clear site's cache.

stephaniemull replied on at Permalink Reply
ok, I got it!! Appreciate you FAST replies.
longki replied on at Permalink Reply
Great! If you need anything else just let me know.
Also if you can leave a review for the theme it would be great!


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