Mobile Format

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The mobile version of my site does not seem to render properly. Can you offer any suggestions on the set-up? The site is at:

Thank you.

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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weetheme replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
update the theme to 1.3 version
or change the
file with the attached file. (unzip it first)
anita1960 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you. That seemed to help. I am still having difficulty with the design in rendering properly on various mobile devices to include iPad, iPhone, as well as on a standard PC. In all cases, the background image(s) do not resize with the device. Am I correct in my interpretation of a responsive design to mean it should render for mobile devices?

Thank you for your assistance. I appreciate your quick responses as I work through the configuration.
weetheme replied on at Permalink Reply
yes, there are low res well sized images in mobile view if you choose one of the built in parallax bgs what i made for this reason (mobile internet connection).

But if there's a custom parallax background, the images need to be resized dynamically and saved,that's a thing because it can be done, but the problem is that i can't merge the 3 images at parallax option (like first is a bg and there are 2 partially transparent layers whats moving on the first), so I think I'll made a 4th image chooser for this to add a mobile bg at the settings, and than it'll be ok.

Thank You your ideas, i really appreciate it.

anita1960 replied on at Permalink Reply
Very helpful explanation. Thank you.

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