Version History

1.5.1 - 02/16/12 - Fixed header and background position when logged in with editing rights in concrete5.5.1. Updated logo area in header to work with Stacks instead of Scrapbooks (now to add your own logo, create a stack named Site Name and add your logo to that).

1.5 - 12/21/11 - Fixed header and background position when logged in with editing rights in concrete5.5.

1.4 - Added check to see if page types are already installed before installing them. Added blog_entry.php (default Blog) and pb_post.php (for ProBlog) page types as well as styling for them.

1.3 - Updated Cufon to work with IE9

1.2 - Changed #page div to #container because of conflicts with Page page type.

1.1 - Made Theme Page Types Install Automatically with Installation. Fixed z-index issues with #feature-box div.

1.0 - Initial Release