Page Title Background Colour and Border / Main Nav Hover

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Is there a way to change the Page Title Background Colour and Border which is currently black? I've checked theme customisation and custom attributes but cant seem to locate.

Also, I've customised background hover colours for the main navigation but I'm seeing an aqua blue hover that I cant change. See attached screen grabs.


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Type: Ticket
Status: Archived
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NECA replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello? Any solution to this issue?
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply

I have uploaded the new version of the theme along with the fixes. Please update your theme and clear your browser's cache.

Added page title color customization. The hover background color is called "Dropdown Background Hover".

NECA replied on at Permalink Reply 3 Attachments
Many thanks!

Unfortunately the issue still presents. The dropdown hover background colour works in most instances except for when you're actually on the active child page and then use the main nav. The dropdown hover displays in the original Cosmos aqua blue. Refer to url in screen grab attached to see hover results.

Thanks for sorting the page title colour customisation, however another white border now appears around the background colour. Can this also be customised or removed?

Also, how can I apply Google fonts?

Thanks in advance.
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply

The new version of the theme is already uploaded. Please update your theme and clear your browser's cache.

You can customize the pagetitle box background and border in color customization.

You can update the "Dropdown Active Background" and "Dropdown Active Background Hover" in color customization.

Regarding adding google fonts. Please see the link below:

NECA replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hello, thanks for your response.

I have the dropdown active background and dropdown active background hover set but its the active hover that doesn't seem to be working. It still displays in the Cosmos aqua colour.
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Please make sure to clear the browser's cache and also page cache in the dashboard.
NECA replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks. I did clear all cache and still have the hover issue on active pages. Are you able to direct me to the CSS file? Maybe I just change it from the source?
ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
Attention: Since there has been no activity on this issue for two weeks, this issue has been automatically archived.

To re-open this issue, reply to this message.

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