Exclude from nav (Home) not works

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Hi, "Exclude from nav" attibute not saved only for page "Home" on


I suppose the problem due I installed Theme on site with example contents, and some waring appears. Is it a way to solve the problem without re-install the whole site?


Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Alessandro,

Have you tried clearing cache. Usually when you check the exclude from nav on the homepage attribute it would take effect immediately after publishing.

Let me know if it doesnt so I can investigate further.

Kind regards.
lota replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks for reply,
clear cache not solve, I save the page and all seems works fine, but checkbox "Exclude from nav" not flagged when I return on Attribute, this is strange... :-(

could be a database issue?

I did a

select * from CollectionAttributeValues where cID=1;

but c5 database is very complex for me

datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Alessandro,

Let me try to replicate on my end. I'll also try to disable it via database query. If I can figure it out I'll notify you immediately.

Kind regards.
lota replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, let me know if you need a dump of my database!

datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi again,

When you checked the exclude from nav and hit save, did you click the pen icon and publish the page?
lota replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, of course, I tried to save page also after Remind "a page still attempt approved", I also try to set attribute from page, and from sitemap, but value not saved, and checkbox still empty
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Alessandro,

I found the value to exclude the homepage from the navigation. Using sequelpro or phpmyadmin, look for the "CollectionSearchIndexAttributes" table. At the very top with CID as 1 change the ak_exclude_nav value from 0 to 1.

I hope this made sense. Let me know how it goes.

Kind regards.
lota replied on at Permalink Reply
It is very strange, not works!

also set 1 field "ak_exclude_nav" as suggested


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Database Version - 20151221000000

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Crimson (1.1.3), File List Pro (1.0.1), Vivid Simple Accordion (1.0.1), Whale Responsive Tables (1.0.2).

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