Phone number at the top displayed in Mobile

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Hi - I like your theme design at lot. Only 1 concern that you can answer. I like that you have the desktop theme where it shows the number at top and I assume can be setup where one can click on it and be given the option to call. However, that is not displayed on the Android mobile. Is there a way you or I can make that possible so that number can be displayed at the top and the person can clik on it?

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply

That is an excellent idea and I'm surprised we didn't think of it ourselves.

Thank you for the suggestion, and I will endeavour to have that implemented in the next few days.

Kind regards

PNYlabzip817 replied on at Permalink Reply
I am glad to hear that you will work on that concern Rob. I really like your design alot. If you could make it sort of like what Vedana or Achillea does, or even better, I will be very happy and I am sure it will interest other buyers/designers. Essentially, I need the visitors to be able to see the phone number clearly/boldly and click on their cell/mobile phone and desktop to call. Thanks
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you too. Our office opens at 9am British Time, so I will speak to Jerome, the lead developer for Crimson and see if we can get that updated today. It really is a fantastic suggestion.

Kind regards

datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply

We've just updated the theme to have the phone number remain on mobile devices. Thank you so much for the suggestion.

Best regards,

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