
Any blocks and images that are to go in the "Cover Picture" global block should be at least 400 pixels high. The box will expand for bigger content, but will not shrink (to keep the theme consistent)

To set up the "Cover Picture" (the black box that appears on the first third of the page), go to Dashboard > Stacks and edit the stack called "Cover Picture". The image shown in the preview is located within the theme's /images/ directory and needs to be uploaded yourself

Due to the way Flash files work, any flash content (including YouTube videos and blocks that use flash) may appear above the cover picture area, so the use of flash is not recommended.

By default, the cover picture global block is blank. To use the photo shown on the demo site, look in  packages/theme_district/themes/district/images and upload the file called "cover_bg.png" to your site. Alternatively, you can go to the demo site and download it from there by right-clicking on it.