Home page slider not functioning

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For whatever reason the slider on the home page is stuck with the loading icon. There should be 3 rotating images but it's just stuck on one.

I've removed any other add-ons i've added but still no luck. I've added the slider to a new blank page but it's still stuck with the loading screen.

Any advice to fixing this problem? I can even PM you the log in details to take a further look if needed.


Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
tomrfellner replied on at Permalink Reply
Not sure if this error pertains to the slider or not but I found this..

TypeError: $(...).foundation is not a function
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
This error you refer to would certainly have an effect on the custom template of the slider provided in the this theme. May I ask, have you changed any of the files in the package? Failing that, you may have a corrupt package.

The issue you describe basically points to the fact that you do not have the resources required to run 'Foundation' javascript elements. In a normal, unmodified package this should not be an issue.

Could you offer any more info please?
tomrfellner replied on at Permalink Reply
That's interesting. I did not modify any packages or upload any custom scrips. This whole website is just text, images, and a few add-ons. Could an add-on effect how the slider works maybe conflicting scripts? Other than the add on's I can't think of anything I've done or added to cause the issue. The website is mostly text boxes and images.

What would be some options to fix the slider issue?
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
It would be difficult to say at this stage... could you please PM us a link to the site and a temporary login so we may take a quick look please?
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the log in and URL.

Looking in your source code I can see that the links to some CSS and more importantly JS are incorrect... for example the link to the JS for Foundation should be something like:

You have...

Are you running this theme as a package? It is a little bit confusing TBH.

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