Mobile Nav Breakpoint

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I am having a similar problem as "Shutton", but for a different reason.

My client insists on having nine (9!) menu points. I am finished trying to reason, and just want to get the site finished. However, I think it could look reasonable if I can change the breakpoint at which the mobile menu appears.
Is it possible to do this through custom css, or would I have to "fork" the theme?
The Foundation CSS uses "ems" and not pixels for media queries. I am not certain how to implement this.
Can you make a suggestion?

By the way, I just noticed the Parallax capability in the Section block - fantastic! I thought I would have to buy an extra add-on.
Thanks for any help...

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi you will need to hack or fork the theme, it's not a customization option. Just make sure you have a backup of your original files and you are then able to experiment worry free.

The Em unit is not that complex, there is slightly more to it than this but just think of the numbers as relative to 1 which is your 100%, find the media query that governs your breakpoint and you and tweak the em to achieve the breakpoint you need.
arlenesey replied on at Permalink Reply
As you can imagine, I have forked the theme and added a special preset for my client.

Thank you for your patience - I just want to ask this question because I thought maybe you know the answer right away... I must admit it is all a bit voodoo for me.

I could find 4 files where media queries are mentioned:
- page_theme.php
- main.less
- foundation.less (I think this has to do with grid structure?)
- foundation.css

In page_theme.php media queries are presented as an array of values. I tried messing with that but it made no change.
public function getThemeResponsiveImageMap() {
        return array(
            'xlarge' => '1100px',
            'large' => '900px',
            'medium' => '768px',
            'small' => '0'

In main.less there are only 4 references for the 40em max and 40.63 min width. I assume this is THE break point for the menu icon to appear? Actually, this is what I am interested in.

However in foundation.less and foundation.css, there are 73 "@media..." in each file, mostly for the 40em/40.063em value.

Is there one file where I could change the queries for the top nav, or must i change them in all of these files?

I was amazed to note that although I have changed "theme", the Equinox presets in the dashboard are still working/valid. Wonderful.

Thanks -

concrete5 Environment Information

# concrete5 Version
Core Version -
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Database Version - 20150504000000

# concrete5 Packages
Background Image and Overlay (0.9.4), Equinox (1.0.0), Whale Parallax Area (1.0.0).

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soap.wsdl_cache_limit - 5

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Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0

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