Top Bar Nav on Mobile

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Hi Andy,

Working on some SEO items. Google is flagging my because clickable items are too close together on mobile devices. I reduced the size of the topbar logo block from 600 px to 400 px but it didn't change on mobile device. How can I scale it down on mobile yet not effect the desktop site because I like the size it reproduces there.

The adjustment I did improved it on Google rendering but it doesn't work across all mobile, see iphone screen shot attached too. While you're looking at the screen shot from the phone, maybe you can also tell me why the font is different there than on the website. I prefer the san serif and have cleared the cache.

Sure it's an easy fix for you but I'm still a novice.

URL is

Thank you.

~ John

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blocks/call_me/templates/equinox/view.css, blocks/call_me/templates/equinox, blocks/call_me/templates, blocks/call_me

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Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36

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