globally change theme colors

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As I can see the whole theme is built around the blue color and its derivatives (hues).
I know individual values can be changed from the theme settings, however I was wondering if there is a global preset for other colors too, like for example green, that can change all in one click or in the css files, and only then do individual tweaks in the theme settings page.


Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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formigo replied on at Permalink Reply
All colors need to be changed individually, there is no faster way around this.
vbwebadmin replied on at Permalink Reply

Ok, I understand this, but the problem is that there are areas/fonts/styles that are not covered by Customize theme dashboard page.
For example: Auto-Nav with a Side Nav custom template supplied by the theme results in all links in that area being blue, and there is no correspondent setting for it in the Customize theme dashboard page.

The example is here:


formigo replied on at Permalink Reply
There are not customizable styles for all elements and for all blocks unfortunately.

However a simple bit of CSS should do the trick - this can be added in the custom CSS section of the customization page...
.ff-wrapper .side-nav li a {
   color: #006633;

vbwebadmin replied on at Permalink Reply

Thanks for this too, it is good enough.
I might need some help identifying the styles for other elements, that are part of other block types or custom styles. But I'll ask as/if the need arises.


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