project page template not inheriting my custom header

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Hi, I'm working on my site at All of my top level pages - using the full template or perhaps default - have a custom header with a couple of backgrounds for the banner and the navigation menu. One page - Inventions - uses the project template. Clicking on a project thumbnail takes the user to a project page. The project pages do not inherit the custom header with the colored backgrounds, which is what I want. I have tried setting the page Design and Type in the sitemap but if I select Project for template I can only have Project for the page as well. I have looked into hacking the php and css files but I was thrown back in defeat.

So how do I make my project pages display the same custom header as the top level full pages?

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
As you will have found, the thumbnail image is set using the 'Project Thumbnail' attribute on the individual 'Project' pages. The actual banner you see, for example here is added manually to the page. This is not pulled from the thumbnail as it can be different.
twoten replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for the quick reply but this is not the issue. On my Inventions page and all other top level pages, there is a grey background behind the banner and a gradient background behind the navigation menu. Both are 100% wide. On the child pages underneath Inventions, both of these colored backgrounds are missing. How do I get the project pages to show the same background greys behind the banner and menu? I tried adding css classes like ccm-custom-style-header and ccm-custom-style-mynavigation to the header and menu but that doesn't work either.

EDIT - 20 minutes later -> Oh, by writing this reply I got some ideas that ended up working. I went to one child project page, into edit mode, and added the gradient background behind the menu. Saved and published and all the child pages had the menu background. Then I went to a different child page, into edit mode, and added the grey background behind the banner. Saved and published, and again, all of the child pages now had the background. My mistake was trying to hack into .php files behind the ui instead of politely going through the front door. D'oh! Thanks again for your timely assistance!

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