A couple of CSS questions

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I have three hopefully straightforward questions relating to the themes CSS.

1. I've added a sidebar nav box on this page -http://dunsterfirstschool.org.uk/c5/index.php/features/pagelist-tem... How do I change the colour of the edges and the hover/rollover colour (which is currently set as grey)?

2. For the same sidebar nav on your page here it's fixed to the side when the page is scrolled -http://framework57.c5box.com/index.php/documentation.... How could I achieve that?

3. In the footer I have the nav buttons that came with the package plus a button in the right hand column of the footer. How do I style those colours also?

I've had a look through the CSS files installed within the package, but there are a few and I couldn't find the classes or IDs for these elements.



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exmoordesigns replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry the first url has been changed, it's nowhttp://dunsterfirstschool.org.uk/c5/index.php/aboutus/welcome...
c5box replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Alex,

Thank you for using my theme.

Answers to your questions below:

1. Click settings -> Design -> Customize. Look for the "Body" Category and you should see color options for the autonav hover, background, and text.

2. Use the FAQ block and assign the sticky sidebar custom template. Make sure to use the full page template for this.

3. Click settings -> Design -> Customize. Look for the "Button" Category and edit the colors there.

Most 5.7 themes are using LESS instead of CSS. Look for files with the extension less and edit it with your preferred editor.

I hope everything I said made sense. Let me know if you need further assistance.

Kind regards,
exmoordesigns replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for your help. It was all spot on.

I've encountered something else I might need a bit of advise with...

I've changed the page background on the home page (http://dunsterfirstschool.org.uk/c5/index.php), but I've been unable so far to change the background image at the top of the other pages, (for instance -http://dunsterfirstschool.org.uk/c5/index.php/aboutus/welcome)....

I've tried to follow the steps I used for the home page by going to Attributes then 'Page Background', but this hasn't worked.

What should I be doing?

Thank you.

c5box replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Alex,

Please use the "banner" attribute instead of the "page backround" when working with the inner pages. Sorry about not clarifying that properly on my docs.

If you have more questions, don't hesitate to ask.

All the best,

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