Banner and Background with "normal" pictures repeated?

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Hi There,

how to get a "normal" picture repeated as backgroung wall for the Banner area ass well as for Background from the home page.
All I got now is a full scaled picture.

Can you help with my mabe stupid question.

And one wish I would have. Please for the next version, make the default banner exchangeable or delete it from the theme. It's not funny to run always to get rid of it for new pages.

Best wishes

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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c5box replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Danny,

The way I created the banner is to autofit the image instead of repeating it. You can change the background behaviour via CSS. I can even write the CSS for you if needed. Send me a link to your site so I can check.

I'll see what I can do with the background image banner think. I'll definitely consider it.

Resipisco replied on at Permalink Reply
Maybe in a next version you can add a theme option to give the user the choice of "scale to fit" or "repeat".
And one thing I'm ever missing (I don't know if this is a C5 issue or I didn't find the feature), I'd like to store design costumizations under a own name as preset and as much as I like. Instaed of changing all single options again and again.

Regards, Danny
c5box replied on at Permalink Reply

I will think about your suggestion and consider it for future versions.

The custom presets you are missing is not a feature that c5 has. You can create a custom preset but you'd need to add it via code.

I hope this was helpful.

Excellware replied on at Permalink Reply
I have an image in the banner that is almost 700 tall, but Framework is maxing out the height of the banner on all pages at 350. I am struggling to get the full page image like you have in the demo. Any suggestion?

Edit: nevermind. I figured it out. I am not that great at CSS yet. Here is the code I used in case anyone else is having trouble getting the full page banner image like on the demo site. (I seem to have to put "important" after every line when using the Custom CSS part of the Concrete5 editing mode. BTW, 90% suited my needs for background-size. Others may wish to make it 100%.

.innerpage #banner {
height: 100vh !important;
min-height: 100vh !important;
background-size: 90% !important;
heathpainter replied on at Permalink Reply

I'm struggling with adding video to the Framework template like what's shown on the Home landing page. I am a beginner and seemed to have hit a wall... Is there a way to add the full page video or is there a plugin required?

I've tried the plugin Video Background with poor results.
c5box replied on at Permalink Reply

Can you try this? If it doesnt work on your end, let me know and I’ll check what’s wrong.

heathpainter replied on at Permalink Reply
Perfect and thank you! One more question, what's the recommended file size/resolution for the background video...

Thanks again,

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