Image height in pagetype "home"

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Hi guys - great theme. Just one question: I am using framwork on a mulitlingual site. Therefore, the homepage is redirected to the appropriate language version. For each language version, I want to build a welcome site that looks like your homepage. I set the pagetype to "home", but for some reason it does not change the height of the background image. Did I miss something? Kind regards, Bettina

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: Resolved
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c5box replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Bettina,

Thank you for using our theme.

The big video/image area on the home page is set to occupy the whole viewport height
.master-container #banner{

One way to work around this is to set it to your preferred height on the custom css panel under design customization and apply to "this page only".

I hope this made sense. In case you need further assistance dont hesitate to ask. I can also fix this for you if you want.

Thanks again and regards,
pixeljunkie replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi James
Tx for your speedy reply. I guess you misunderstood my problem (or, as it may appear, I was not clear about my issue ;D )
The problem is that, even though I set the pagetype to "home", the background image does not stretch full height ....
Here is the url:
c5box replied on at Permalink Reply
Ahhh I see. Sorry about that. This is a coding issue which I need to sort out. I may have handled multiple homepages somewaht differently. Give me a few minutes to release a new version with the fix.

Thank you so much and I apologise again.

Kind regards,
c5box replied on at Permalink Reply
Uploaded version 1.2.2 - Kindly update your theme and clear cache.

Let me know if you need further assistance.

Kind regards,
pixeljunkie replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi James - it's me again .... Is there a known issue with google maps? When I try to add a map, it won't get back to Google Maps to link to the address ..... and I receive an error message "Must enter valid address".

And another question: Is it possible to add a custom layout as preset in the pagetheme like this (I want to have more controle over the floating behaviour of the containers, worked fine in previous themes ...):

public function getThemeAreaLayoutPresets()
         $presets = array(
               'handle' => 'campings',
               'name' => 'campings',
               'container' => '<div class="row"></div>',
               'columns' => array(
                  '<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-6"></div>',
                  '<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-3"></div>',
                  '<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-3"></div>'
         return $presets;

For some reason, it does not show in the dropdown menu (along with Twitter Bootstrap etc.)

Kind regards, Bettina
c5box replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Bettina,

I haven't experience an issue like that with the core google map block.What version of c5 are you using so I can try to replicate? Or maybe try upgrading c5 to the latest version?

As for the presets, try checking here:
I think you need to extend with the ThemeProviderInterface.

Let me know how it goes.

Kind regards,
pixeljunkie replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi James
I am using the latest release and the core google maps block in pagetype 'komplett'.
c5box replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi again,

I did some test on using the elemental theme and you are right about the google map block. The best thing we could do now is report this as a bug and downgrade the version you currently have.

Another workaround is to use the HTML block and directly embed the google map code to the area.

If there is anything else I can do please let me know.

pixeljunkie replied on at Permalink Reply
Good morning James - thx again for your speedy answer. The layout issue is settled now - works like a charme :D.

As for googlemaps - will you do the reporting as a developer?

Regards, Bettina
c5box replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Bettina,

No worries. I've already filed a bug report. Hopefully it gets fixed on the next C5 version.


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