Reduce height of transparent nav bar?

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Is it possible to configure the transparent nav bar at the top of the theme? I'd like to adjust the height and the degree of transparency. Please see the attached screen shot. Right now it takes up too much of the screen and distracts from the content. Is this configurable via CSS? Thanks!

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Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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c5box replied on at Permalink Reply

I believe you can edit the transparency on the color customization panel. As for the height, we can create a custom css for it but its a bit tricky to do. The height will resize when you scroll to the bottom of the banner as well as when you are on a snaller screen.

Please let me know what you think.

metanico replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi James,

Thanks for getting back to me! It's funny that you mention that the bar should resize when you get to the bottom of the banner. I kind of expected it to, but for some reason, at our site it doesn't ever resize. Maybe we configured it wrongly?

Does it work for you?...

Arsenal replied on at Permalink Reply
On my website, and the demonstration website the bar only resizes on the "Home" page, not on all the other pages, which I think is sort of a bug?
Here it resizes:

Here it does not:

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