Problems with ProEvents/ProBlog?

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I am having an issue whenever I try to use ProEvents. I get this error whenever I try to search something after installing ProEvents.
concrete/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/DBALException.php:91 An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT p.cID FROM Pages p LEFT JOIN PagePaths pp ON (p.cID = pp.cID and pp.ppIsCanonical = true) LEFT JOIN PageSearchIndex psi ON p.cID = psi.cID LEFT JOIN PageTypes pt ON p.ptID = pt.ptID INNER JOIN Collections c ON p.cID = c.cID LEFT JOIN CollectionSearchIndexAttributes csi ON c.cID = csi.cID INNER JOIN CollectionVersions cv ON p.cID = cv.cID and cvIsApproved = 1 WHERE ((psi.cName LIKE ?) OR (psi.cDescription LIKE ?) OR (psi.content LIKE ?) OR (ak_meta_title LIKE ?) OR (ak_meta_description LIKE ?) OR (ak_meta_keywords LIKE ?) OR (ak_header_extra_content LIKE ?) OR (ak_exclude_sitemapxml LIKE ?) OR (ak_exclude_nav LIKE ?) OR (ak_exclude_page_list LIKE ?) OR (ak_exclude_search_index LIKE ?) OR (ak_event_multidate LIKE ?) OR (ak_event_exclude LIKE ?) OR (ak_event_section LIKE ?) OR (ak_event_tag LIKE ?) OR (ak_event_thru LIKE ?) OR (ak_event_recur LIKE ?) OR (ak_tags LIKE ?)) AND (p.cPointerID < 1) AND (p.cIsTemplate = 0) AND (p.cIsActive = ?) AND (p.cIsSystemPage = ?) LIMIT 1000' with params ["%results%", "%results%", "%results%", "%results%", "%results%", "%results%", "%results%", "%results%", "%results%", "%results%", "%results%", "%results%", "%results%", "%results%", "%results%", "%results%", "%results%", "%results%", true, false]:
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'ak_event_multidate' in 'where clause' (0)

I know you know of a problem/issue with ProBlog so is this somewhat related?


Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
MichaelG replied on at Permalink Reply
While we use ProEvents/Blog, you should open a ticket with the add-on creator.
dag182 replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm having the same issue and couldn't find anything over in the ProEvents support section about it - did you ever get it resolved?
jmnino replied on at Permalink Reply
I have an open ticket right now with Chad the developer of ProBlogs and he is looking into the issue. Look for my username in the ProBlog to stay up to date. I am hoping for a resolution soon since we want to launch our site.
dag182 replied on at Permalink Reply

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 19, 2015, at 9:25 PM, concrete5 Community <> wrote:
wavemedia replied on at Permalink Reply
While I dont have a hard code solution. I did manage to fix my problem.

I went directly into the database/ table
CollectionSearchIndexAttributes and added
ak_event_exclude (this one kicks an error after you fix the ak_event_multidate column)
the field contents are the same as ak_event_allday.

This will solve your search issue.

To the developer, those 2 rows didnt make it in.

concrete5 Environment Information

# concrete5 Version

# concrete5 Packages
Call to Action (0.9.1), Editor Comment (7.0), Fruitful (1.1.1), Likes This! (2.0.1), List files from set (1.0.7), Login Block (0.9.3), ProEvents (2.0.3), Quick Tabs (0.9.3), Sermon Series (1.0), Spacer (0.9.0), Zoomer (1.0).

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